Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hit Em Where it Hurts

Via comment by Badger  on NFL Backlash: ‘Sunday Night Football’ Hit With Sea...

The dragon awakes! Americans, for too long have ignored the leftist, communist march, of politicians, news media, Hollywood, television, and so many more. This is a good example, along with what is happening to the NFL.

For this election, (Moore-Strange?) my guess is Trump listened to some GOP “handler” for a recommendation. But the people are pissed, and tired of what had happened and continues to happen. As I’ve said, Trump voters are not GOP supporters. They are Americans tired of being feed crap and told it is steak. The truth is out there, republican or democrat doesn’t matter, American citizens get screwed by both.

There is an awakening of Americans. Americans of all colors and religions. They see both parties are working for interests, and not interests that benefit America or its citizens. They see the politicians, they elected, working for illegals, and terrorist groups, such as Black Lives Matter. They see politicians caring more about helping every other nation in the world, before helping American citizens. I believe President Trump is our last chance, before an open Civil War begins. Look how passionately, the GOP undermines and attacks President Trump. That should tell you all you need to know about the swamp.


PS: Brock, check out


Losing America

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