Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bruce Willis: ‘Trump Is The Best US President Ever, Anyone Who Dislikes Him Should Move To Canada'


  1. Dear Bruce, I am a fan of yours and have enjoyed the tough guys you have portrayed on the big screen. So with all due respect and as a fan, would you kindly STFU. You are an actor, so stick to that which concerns acting. Yes I admit, I voted for Trump. Clear on that? Now there is no such thing and never will be "a best US President ever". The only reason why Trump looks so good to many of us, his supporters, is because the recent former presidents were such wimps and pussies (Bush the Wimp Jr. and Sr. come to mind), worthless (Carter), evil (Obama) or totally corrupt (Clinton). So given that, it is easy to look "the Best" when the rest are of this low caliber. However, there is one bright spot: Hillary is NOT our President! Bruce, I just don't want to see you making a fool of yourself in public. I've stated that I don't give a (blank) what our entertainers have to say and wish they would all STFU. I'm just trying to stay consistent, even when I might agree with them. To use the line from Tombstone: "My hypocrisy goes only so far".

  2. Exactly what a Swamp type Creature would say. Ho Hum.

    1. As the writer of the Dear Bruce comment, I am no Swamp type Creature. Mr. Trump is a mere mortal just like the rest of us. He puts his pants on the same way as the rest of us. I am cautioning against expecting or holding him as some kind of savior of our nation. I do pray for divine protection against all forces of evil against President Trump. I pray that he will be able to drain at some of the Swamp (aka the deep state) that wishes to further enslave us all. I pray that President Trump will be allowed to delay our nations' Judgment Day for our sins and abominations against our Creator, long enough for some to repent of their sins. I am warning against making any man your "Fuhrer". It does not end well.
      I am pissing on the idol of Entertainer worship. We treat our entertainers as some kind of royalty, that they are our betters. I refuse to conform to what they would have do, believe, or dictate to me as to how I should live my life. BTW, a Swamp type Creature is not going to say; think things through for yourself. To use a metaphor and a movie line; I don't want for President Trump to (just) drain the Swamp - I'd like for him to "nuke the entire site...just to be sure".

    2. I'd like for him to "nuke the entire site...just to be sure".

      Hear! Hear!
