Monday, January 22, 2018

Denial of Service

 Lies of Omission

It is the responsibility of the people to rectify the excesses of their government. This would be easy, almost automatic, if half of the people of this nation were not dedicated to the destruction of the founding principles. The things that capitalism, freedom and honest representation have allowed to flourish like innovation, invention and wealth have been co-opted to serve the latent welfare state. The efforts of the creators and producers have been hampered by the overwhelming weight of regulations and layers of government bureaucracy. The amount of wealth and innovation that have been stymied by the persistence of the state to loot these efforts to fund their vote-buying schemes is incalculable. They have used the centuries of wealth creation to destroy the source of it.

This is what your government has done and not just elected officials, but more accurately the devious schemes of bureaucrats. They have bankrupted the treasury; viewed the citizen as an enemy; turned their backs on their pleas; imported others to vote against these pleas; and sought to reduce their lives to debt service for their grand schemes.

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