Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How Is It Possible The The Democrats are This Stupid?

Via comment by JWMJR on Devin Nunes to FBI: 'No surprise' to see FBI and D...


I just can't understand it. The Democrats aren't really this stupid are they? The do know that teleVISION is a visual medium right? I mean good grief every political consultant in the country and beyond knows that people key on visual perceptions much more strongly than verbal ones. Just dig up Richard Nixon and ask him how that televised debate worked out.

Seriously did nobody tell Nancy beforehand that looking like you were choking on her own bile was not a good image? Could they not figure out, especially after this year's NFL season, that sitting on their hands while the President talks about respecting our nation's flag is a visual that will be used against them? It was like the entire broadcast was a custom made opportunity for Republican video tape editors.

If all those optics weren't bad enough we then got the spectacle of the newest Kennedy iconography presenting the so-called "Democratic Response". Firstly nobody in their right mind thinks Droolin' Joe Kennedy wrote that awful speech.

Seriously at first look all I could think of was Bevis getting wasted on paint thinner. Beyond that, after lecturing us for a year or more about "toxic, white male privilege" I don't think they could picked anyone who is more of an elite, toxic, white privileged male. Just what is it about being a Kennedy that entitles you to a seat in Congress from Massachusetts or Rhode Island? Who's brilliant idea was it to pose a Kennedy in front of an apparently non functioning automobile? Beyond the hood being up the only thing missing was an empty liquor bottle, a dead body and a discarded neck brace. I'm sure I could find a rusted out old Buick for the next go round.

I can only conclude at this point that either the Democrats have gone completely brain dead or the Republicans have a mole deeply embedded on the DNC strategic planning group. Either way, it's working out brilliantly...for the Republicans.


  1. Actually yes...many of them ARE that stupid. Hank Johnson D from Georgia famously stated his opposition to more troops on Guam so the island wouldn't capsize. Nancy Pelosi can't say three sentences without saying something moronic. Many Dems are clever....good at manipulation but not particularly educated or intelligent. It's no coincidence that their voter base is not noted for independent or technical achievements. This is a party driven mostly by emotion....such as greed and envy, not reason.

  2. I have said before, the libtards, ie the dems, are mentally ill. It becomes more obvious each and every day that one or more of them open their pie holes.

