Tuesday, January 30, 2018

SCV wins injunction against Memphis

Via Billy


We have achieved another great victory today, but the fight is not over.

In a Chancery Court ruling this afternoon in Nashville, the court ruled in favor of the SCV and granted the Restraining Order and Injunction against the city of Memphis and Memphis Greenspace in regard to the 3 stolen Confederate memorial statues.

With this ruling neither the city nor Greenspace can remove, sell, destroy, move, etc, or otherwise disturb the 3 statues and must maintain and safeguard them pending further legal action by the SCV.

Much more to come.

Thank you for your resolve and continued financial support.

Lee Millar
Forrest Camp 215
Fighting for Gen'l Forrest


  1. Does this mean General Nathan Bedford Forrest's monument is
    going to be returned to his resting place?

  2. Possibly though the judge stated today that she wished the two sides would agree on an 'appropriate place' for them.
