Friday, March 16, 2018

Illegal Alien Appointed To Statewide Government Job In California

Via Bill

Lizbeth Mateo, an illegal alien and citizen of Mexico who came to the country with her parents when she was 14, is the first undocumented person to be appointed to a statewide government job in the United States. The job, to serve on the California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project Grant Advisory Committee, is an official government position that seeks to aid poor and “underserved communities” in gaining access to college.


  1. Those pesky laws in California require citizenship to run for office. The anarchists circumvent the laws by creating an office and appointing an illegal to fill the position. Mean-while, California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3-Trillion.

  2. When does "illegal" not really mean illegal?

    Someone please remind me, about when is that supposed big earth quake supposed to drop Mexifornia into the ocean?

    I'd like a front row seat.
