Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Judge Releases Video Of Gang Member Shot To Death Inside Courtroom

On Monday, a federal judge released video footage of a gang member being shot to death by a deputy U.S. marshal in a Utah courtroom after he attacked a witness with a pen during a 2014 racketeering trail.

Tongan Crips gang member Siale Angilau is seen in the footage grabbing a pen and sprinting toward the witness, another gang member. Angilau then rushes the witness and falls over the stand, where he is met with gunfire by an unnamed female marshal identified as "Jane Doe."

"Drop the pen. Drop the pen out of your hand," yells another officer in the courtroom.


  1. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I heard the perp's family tried a civil suit claiming the shooting wasn't necessary, but the judge tossed it out.
