Sunday, August 5, 2018

How To Stifle Peaceful Assembly–Bring In ANTIFA

Via Billy

Image result for How To Stifle Peaceful Assembly–Bring In ANTIFA

A peaceful patriotic group assembled in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, August 4th for a patriotic prayer rally. There was no problem with this, as there should not have been. These are not the kind of folks that start riots. However, at some point the fascist-oriented Leftist group Antifa arrived. After their arrival and their subsequent “activities” which included throwing bottles and other things at the police,  the Portland police declared an “emergency situation” and informed all those present that if they did not leave the area they would be subject to arrest.

This is somewhat the same situation that prevailed in Charlottsville, Virginia last year around this time or shortly thereafter. Several Rightist groups that had assembled there were no real problem until Antifa and others of their Leftist ilk came on the scene, which resulted in all kinds of problems because Antifa started attacking people and only when they defended themselves did the police step in.

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