Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Does the latest poll on Trump crush the Democrats’ hopes and dreams?

Via John


The 2018 Midterm elections are right around the corner.

Democrats are still predicting a “Blue Wave” will hand them control of Congress.

But Trump’s latest poll numbers were just released and it was bad news for Democrats.

Rasmussen’s polling shows Donald Trump’s Presidential Approval Index is 10 points above Barack Obama’s ratings at this point in his term.

This is in spite of the constant attacks by the fake news media President Trump faces on a daily basis.


  1. Well he COULD if he could get the RINOs and testicularly challenged in the GOP to follow his lead.

    I do not recall anytime in the past when a party has worked as hard as the GOP to suppress their base. From repeatedly funding "Planned Parenthood", refusing funding for the promised Wall, to cutting the budget of ICE, and on to this latest fiasco in brewing, the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh, it seems clear most in the GOP prefer pissing down the backs of the base while telling them "it's raining", over actually accomplishing what they were elected to do.

    To put it simply...two party system my ass.

    If President Trump will hold fast and continue to demand the confirmation proceed and then shut down the government until the Wall is funded, he may well yet snatch victory form the jackasses and RINOs.

    My prayers go with him and what is left of our republic.

    Y'all have a nice day.

    1. My prayers go with him and what is left of our republic.

      Thanks and we're going to need a lot.
