Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Goodies from Ol' Remus: The Coming Civil War Edition

Picture via Võ 

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Civil War II, Return of Kings - The coming U.S. Civil War will not have the same outcome as the U.S. Civil War in the 19th Century. As society breaks down, other parts of our economy and civilization break down. Businesses will cease to operate. General services will become unavailable, and confidence in government is destroyed. The U.S. will eventually divide into multiple factions, some will seek to impose a new government upon others. As confidence in the U.S. Federal Government declines and justice declines because of the deep state, mainstream media, and progressivism, people, already divided against each other, will form tribes. You are probably already seeing these tribes form.

Chicago Tribune - Are we on the verge of civil war? ... the present path eventually ends in something like a hate-filled Iraq, Rwanda or the Balkans
Raconteur Report - Es Kommt ... Either the lunacy will stop, or the country will rend itself
"That’s going to be Stalingrad, not Waterloo. Hue, not Gettysburg. House to house, door to door, room to room, war to the knife, knife to the hilt, and then hand-to-hand"
art-remus-ident-04.jpg The notion of a Civil War II is improbable but not farfetched. The Democratic Party, their unelected supporters within government and the news media refuse to accept the result of the 2016 election, going so far as to declare themselves "the resistance", as if losing made the election illegitimate and the country is now "occupied". Given the coordinated subversion and sabotage it's safe to say the orderly transfer of power has failed for the first time since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. 

After their shock in losing what amounted to a rigged election, the Democratic Party lurched toward the Bolshevist model of seizing power by insurrection on a wide front. 

NC Scout at American Partisan advises caution about underestimating AntiFa, their armed wing. An excerpt:
Falling into the normalcy bias of Leftists simply resorting to shouting folks down and minor clashes is a trap—they are armed, they have a combat experienced cadre behind the scenes, and they have financial power structures behind them. These are not the sunshine leftists of the boomer generation. All of the dog and pony show of ad campaigns, political stunts and campus demonstrations will lead to violence—its only a matter of time. AntiFa is serious about what they’re doing. Are you?
The German Communist Party organized Antifaschistische Aktion in 1932, known now in America as AntiFa. Those old newsreels of street fighting in Berlin and elsewhere are mainly of the National Socialist paramilitary "Brownshirts" versus AntiFa. When you hear of the early concentration camps populated by political prisoners, it's largely AntiFa they're talking about.

They trot out this provenance at every opportunity. It's why any opposition is automatically "fascist" and "Nazi". As NC Scout notes, they aren't campus activists of the snowflake persuasion. They're gearing up for a civil war, again.


  1. needs more ammo. also spare firing pins and springs. got the rest of it. believe in something just do it

  2. Beyond the preps and the currency for the day after, no one talks of a foreign insurgency. We do see that now with the Marxist ideology, commie infiltrators, botched (but politically expedient) visa programs, and the porous southern border. And who can forget our own homegrown welcoming committee for all the above, namely the commie DNC and that ilk?

    But I believe that's nothing compared to after the SHTF. I can think of at least twenty countries licking their chops while watching and waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Heck, they are trying to create that day.

