Sunday, January 13, 2019

STRANGE: Americans Want The Border Wall But Blame President Trump For The Shutdown

Via Billy

TIJUANA, MEXICO-MARCH 5, 2017: The border fence that separates the U.S. and Mexico in Tijuana runs all the way in to the Pacific Ocean.

Americans are increasingly bullish on a border wall but are souring on the government shutdown, according to two new polls out Sunday from CNN and The Washington Post.

The Washington Post reports that Americans are almost evenly split on whether they support a solid wall along the United States' southern border, up from the beginning of the immigration battle between Democrats and Republicans in Congress. That level of support is up ten points from a similar poll taken in January of 2017.

 More @ The Daily Wire


  1. Who believes polls ? If ya do hillary won by a landslide , fake news !

  2. Polls conducted by CNN and The Washington Post...Gee, two liberal, bash Trump at every opportunity fake-news bastions. Why am I not surprised?

    1. Yup though Rasmussen has him at 43/4 today their lowest in a year but nothing to worry about as that is in easy striking range in an election as Obama found out.

  3. "...according to two new polls out Sunday from CNN and The Washington Post."

    'Nuf said.

  4. That's the Washington Compost Story where-in the numbers are skewed. FAKE NEWS. The numbers are not evenly split, and most Republicans out here in the hinterlands are standing pretty solid with President TRUMP. Their sources are from the metropolitan areas on the East coast, and these damn California Liberals in the Sanctuary Cities or towns.

    The MSM IS LYING TO US. They are trying to break Trump's bond with the working class folks. I read it somewhere that the only way that Trump could loose his base was if he admitted that he had slept with Hillary Clinton. IT AIN"T GOING TO HAPPEN FOLKS. Folding on the border wall would be a close second. I think he knows that.

    1. Folding on the border wall

      There was an article out yesterday that stated Trump's base would still stand with him if he did but I hope we don't have to find out.

  5. It's just not possible to believe ANYTHING reported by the lame stream media....especially "polls". Polling used to be semi scientific. No longer. Now it is TOTALLY agenda driven propaganda used to misdirect the gullible.
