Thursday, February 28, 2019
UN Displays Giant Picture Of Che Guevara in Their Geneva Offices

Jay Nordlinger wrote in National Review:
Who was he? He was an Argentinian revolutionary who served as Castro’s primary thug. He was especially infamous for presiding over summary *executions at La Cabana, the fortress that was his abattoir. He liked to administer the coup de grace, the bullet to the back of the neck. And he loved to parade people past El Paredon, the reddened wall against which so many innocents were killed. Furthermore, he established the labor-camp system in which countless citizens–dissidents, democrats, artists, homosexuals–would suffer and die. This is the Cuban gulag.
A Cuban-American writer, Humberto Fontova, described Guevara as “a combination of Beria and Himmler.”
Anthony Daniels once quipped, “The difference between [Guevara] and Pol Pot was that [the former] never studied in Paris.”
More @ The Daily Wire
*Some of my military school Cubans returned to fight against Castro. I believe two were killed and one while in custody.
House Democrats explode in recriminations as liberals lash out at moderates & Congress is Broken

House Democrats exploded in recriminations Thursday over moderates bucking the party, with liberal Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatening to put those voting with Republicans "on a list" for a primary challenge.
In a closed-door session, a frustrated Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., lashed out at about two dozen moderates and pressured them to get on board. "We are either a team or we're not, and we have to make that decision," Pelosi said, according to two people present but not authorized to discuss the remarks publicly.
But Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., the unquestioned media superstar of the freshman class, upped the ante, admonishing the moderates and indicating that she would help liberal activists unseat them in the 2020 election.
More @ LMT
Court to unseal Christopher Steele deposition
Via Billy
The depositions given by former British spy Christopher Steele and a longtime associate of John McCain must be unsealed, a federal judge said Thursday.
U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro overruled the objections of both Steele and David Kramer to make the depositions public. The pair gave testimony in a lawsuit brought against BuzzFeed in December 2018 by a Russian Internet entrepreneur.
The businessman, Aleksej Gubarev, was referenced in the infamous dossier compiled by Steele about President Trump’s alleged connections to Russia. Gubarev objected to BuzzFeed’s publishing of the dossier in January 2017, which accused him of using his companies to hack into computers owned by the Democratic National Committee.

The depositions given by former British spy Christopher Steele and a longtime associate of John McCain must be unsealed, a federal judge said Thursday.
U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro overruled the objections of both Steele and David Kramer to make the depositions public. The pair gave testimony in a lawsuit brought against BuzzFeed in December 2018 by a Russian Internet entrepreneur.
The businessman, Aleksej Gubarev, was referenced in the infamous dossier compiled by Steele about President Trump’s alleged connections to Russia. Gubarev objected to BuzzFeed’s publishing of the dossier in January 2017, which accused him of using his companies to hack into computers owned by the Democratic National Committee.
More @ The Daily Wire
Today a race card was played. But not by Congressman Mark Meadows.
But rather by those on the House Oversight Committee who sadly placed more credence on the word of a self-confessed convicted perjurer, than that of a highly-educated black woman who rose up the ranks of one of the most recognized global real-estate companies in the world, spoke before 25 million people at the Republican National Convention and now successfully oversees the largest HUD program office in the country.
That is not the resume of a prop.
It is, however, the resume of someone who remains completely unfazed by the criticism of others and laser focused.
Today was simply about one longtime employee disputing the testimony of another longtime employee who both know the President extremely well. Period.
Since the release of my viral video in May 2015, those who know me can confirm that my steadfast narrative about the Trump family has not changed.
The only one of us whose narrative has changed is the one facing significant jail time. Period.
My presence today was to remind Michael Cohen that honesty and integrity still matter.
I do not have an NDA.
I do not have a book deal.
What I DO have is the truth on my side.
And when you have that, nothing else matters.
California Refused 5.6K Requests to Turn over Criminal Illegal Aliens to Federal Officials

The sanctuary state of California refused 5,600 requests by federal immigration officials over two years to turn over criminal illegal aliens, state data finds.
In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) Executive Director Dale Wilcox revealed that within a 27-month period, the state of California had failed to honor about 5,600 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers which are the holds ICE agents file to local jails and police to request that an illegal alien be turned over to them for arrest and deportation.
Of these 5,600 failed ICE detainers, more than 3,400 were lodged against an illegal alien who had been classified “level 1” and “level 2” offenders — meaning that these illegal aliens had been charged with crimes like homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, drugs, and fraud.
More @ Breitbart
Comment on Cohen Admits To Speaking with Democratic Party Bef...
Over the last fifteen years or so I have blogged and written a lot. My political writing has decreased over the last half year or so. I still write two or three short articles a day. Just to let off steam. I tried for so long to change minds with facts and common sense. Only to discover neither matter to a liberal. The entire philosophy of the left is built on the concept of Epistemological Relativism. Or in layman terms “Moral Relativism,” meaning there is no right or wrong.
That is a very seductive concept for many. The idea they are not wrong, just different from the rest. Being a junky strung out on drugs is just as valid as the father of three that works 50-hours a week. Since there is no wrong, whatever behavior you choose is acceptable.
I could continue with the philosophy of Epistemological Relativism but won’t. This is why liberals defend Islam even though it is opposite everything they believe. They cannot criticize Islam for killing homosexuals, because that would force them to determine Islam is bad. And in their view, nothing is good or bad.
That was a long-winded way to reach my destination. I have slowed down political writing because there is nothing I, you, or anyone can write that matters to a liberal. It is not about facts or truth, it is about feelings. Because remember everything is relative with no absolute right or wrong. I do not see any peaceable solution. The left has no interest in truth or facts. Only feeling count, not the outcome. There is no discussion possible. This ends in conflict. I cannot see any other outcome at this point. This theater of the absurd in the House only proves my point. A convicted perjurer, with ZERO evidence is the democrat’s “Star” witness. There is no good ending.
Brock, I don’t remember if I saw this here or somewhere else. But it is one of the best explanations of liberalism I have seen.
North Korea Summit Falls Apart. Here’s What Happened.
Via Billy
President Donald Trump walked away from the negotiating table with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un on Thursday in Vietnam after Kim reportedly demanded that the U.S. lift all economic sanctions on North Korea without first agreeing to any kind of serious commitment to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.
"Trump said the summit fell through after the North demanded a full removal of U.S.-led international sanctions in exchange for the shuttering of the North's Yongbyon nuclear facility," Fox News' Gregg Re reported. "Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters that the United States wasn't willing to make a deal without the North committing to giving up its secretive nuclear facilities outside Yongbyon as well as its missile and warheads program."

President Donald Trump walked away from the negotiating table with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un on Thursday in Vietnam after Kim reportedly demanded that the U.S. lift all economic sanctions on North Korea without first agreeing to any kind of serious commitment to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.
"Trump said the summit fell through after the North demanded a full removal of U.S.-led international sanctions in exchange for the shuttering of the North's Yongbyon nuclear facility," Fox News' Gregg Re reported. "Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters that the United States wasn't willing to make a deal without the North committing to giving up its secretive nuclear facilities outside Yongbyon as well as its missile and warheads program."
More @ The Daily Wire
House votes to notify ICE when illegal immigrants try to buy guns

Republicans scored a rare victory in the Democrat-controlled House Wednesday, winning a vote to have authorities notify deportation officers any time an illegal immigrant tries to buy a gun.
It’s illegal for those in the country without legal status to have firearms, but an average of more than 10 a day try anyway.
Republicans offered an amendment to a broader gun background check bill to have the National Instant Criminal Background Check System report them to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which could then decide if it wants to pick them up for deportation.
More @ The Washington Times
Cohen Admits To Speaking with Democratic Party Before Testifying Against Trump
Via Billy

DON'T MISS THIS massive credibility bombshell.
Cohen ADMITS to preparing & coordinating his congressional testimony with:
- The DNC
- Democratic Party leadership
- Chairman Cummings
- Chairman Adam Schiff
- "Various individuals" in the Democratic party
This is a DNC hit job
Michael Cohen, who formerly served as President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, told Congress on Wednesday that he and his team spoke with top Congressional Democrats before his testimony to the House Oversight and Reform Committee.
Cohen said he spoke with Democratic Rep. Elijah Cumming of Maryland, who chairs the committee Cohen spoke to Wednesday, and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee.

Cohen ADMITS to preparing & coordinating his congressional testimony with:
- The DNC
- Democratic Party leadership
- Chairman Cummings
- Chairman Adam Schiff
- "Various individuals" in the Democratic party
This is a DNC hit job
Michael Cohen, who formerly served as President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, told Congress on Wednesday that he and his team spoke with top Congressional Democrats before his testimony to the House Oversight and Reform Committee.
Cohen said he spoke with Democratic Rep. Elijah Cumming of Maryland, who chairs the committee Cohen spoke to Wednesday, and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee.
More @ WJ
Talk Radio vs. The South

Right wing radio personalities need no excuse to engage in South-bashing, but the recent events in the Old Dominion have given them free rein to indulge in their passion non-stop. Governor Ralph Northam’s perceived hatred of “the other” quickly overshadowed his chilling, matter of fact endorsement of proposed legislation establishing new and ghoulish abortion protocols in his state, and with this development, virtue signaling big talkers on AM, FM and Sirius were off to the races apotheosizing Lincoln and begging questions about Southern history and heritage.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Dem Congressman: The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Confiscate Firearms
Via Billy
With House Democrats pushing a gun control bill that will almost certainly die in the Senate on Wednesday, we’re going to have to deal with a trifecta that will lead to nothing more than a giant political headache. We have Russian collusion nonsense going on, Democrats speaking out of both of their mouths of sexual assault, and gun control. To add another level, we have Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Green New Deal nonsense to contend with, even after the projected $93 trillion price tag was unveiled by American Action Forum. So, what’s in this new gun control push? Oh, the usual nonsense, like universal background checks (via USA Today):

With House Democrats pushing a gun control bill that will almost certainly die in the Senate on Wednesday, we’re going to have to deal with a trifecta that will lead to nothing more than a giant political headache. We have Russian collusion nonsense going on, Democrats speaking out of both of their mouths of sexual assault, and gun control. To add another level, we have Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Green New Deal nonsense to contend with, even after the projected $93 trillion price tag was unveiled by American Action Forum. So, what’s in this new gun control push? Oh, the usual nonsense, like universal background checks (via USA Today):
More @ Townhall
OW! Rep. Jody Hice Hammers Democrats for ‘Shameful Mockery’ of Cohen Hearing
Via Billy
“I find the connecting of the dots here with Mr. Davis and you and, frankly, the chairman and perhaps others to be rather stunning,” Hice said. “There is an agenda for all this happening here today.
“I believe, frankly, that that is to bring the president down, to impugn the president. You (Cohen) made an oath last time you were here, and that oath meant nothing to you then. …
“But here we are today, our first big hearing, with, as you and we all know, a convicted liar, lying to Congress, a criminal, and I believe this witness is totally incompatible with the stated goal of having to seek the truth in this hearing.
“This is the first time in the history of Congress we have someone testifying here who has already been convicted of lying to Congress, so congratulations for being the first in Congress to do that.
“And Mr. Cummings, as well, I can’t believe we have brought this committee to its knees in terms of losing its credibility, and it’s a shameful mockery of what our purpose is.”
@ WJ
Yes, ‘This Is America, 2019’
Via Billy
There have been so far about three general reactions to the concocted Jussie Smollett psychodrama.
One, and the most common, has been apprehension that Smollett’s lies will discredit future real incidents of hate crimes against gays and minorities. This could be a legitimate concern, given the tensions within a multiracial society.
Yet, in fact, there is no evidence in the past that false reports (some lists of such fake hate crimes put the number at around 400) have had such an effect—either on spiking real hate crimes, suppressing reporting, discouraging police investigations, or preventing even more race-crime hoaxes.
As Heather Mac Donald has recently once again noted, the 2017 upswing in reported hate crimes from the prior year may well be largely because an additional 1,000 police agencies were for the first time reporting such crimes. Mac Donald also notes that a “hate crime”—a micro percentage of reported violent crime—is narrowly defined not to include general interracial violent victimization, a category in which African-Americans on average commit 85 percent of such crimes.

There have been so far about three general reactions to the concocted Jussie Smollett psychodrama.
One, and the most common, has been apprehension that Smollett’s lies will discredit future real incidents of hate crimes against gays and minorities. This could be a legitimate concern, given the tensions within a multiracial society.
Yet, in fact, there is no evidence in the past that false reports (some lists of such fake hate crimes put the number at around 400) have had such an effect—either on spiking real hate crimes, suppressing reporting, discouraging police investigations, or preventing even more race-crime hoaxes.
As Heather Mac Donald has recently once again noted, the 2017 upswing in reported hate crimes from the prior year may well be largely because an additional 1,000 police agencies were for the first time reporting such crimes. Mac Donald also notes that a “hate crime”—a micro percentage of reported violent crime—is narrowly defined not to include general interracial violent victimization, a category in which African-Americans on average commit 85 percent of such crimes.
More @ American Greatest
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
How Democrats’ 2018 Wins Dramatically Improve Trump’s Chances for 2020 Victory

There’s an old Chinese folk tale that teaches the lesson that what seems like a bad turn of events at the time might be a blessing in disguise.
Now closing in on two months of Democratic rule in the House of Representatives under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the ancient story has something to say as President Donald Trump looks toward 2020.
As the tale goes, long ago there was a man who lived on the plains near the Great Wall of China. He had two passions in life: his collection of rare breeds of horses and his son, whom he loved dearly.
More @ WJ
BOOM! Candace Owens Drops Bomb – Michael Cohen Approached Her to Lie About ‘Racist Trump’

Candace Owens taunted Michael Cohen Wednesday morning after Trump’s former lawyer testified that Donald Trump is a “racist” and a “con man.”
Michael Cohen, a convicted liar who was just disbarred, testified in a public Congressional hearing on Wednesday.
In his opening statement, Cohen called President Trump a “racist” a “con man” and “a cheat.”
Candace Owens immediately dropped in with a little surprise.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
WATCH: Mark Meadows Blasts Michael Cohen, Slaps Him With Criminal Referral
Via Billy
Rep. Mark Meadows slammed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen during a House Oversight Committee on Wednesday for allegedly violating the Foreign Agent Disclosure Act (FARA).
Fox News reported that a source close to Meadows indicated that the criminal referral "specifically involves Cohen’s consulting on behalf of Kazakhstan’s BTA Bank, as well as consulting for Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis and South Korean aerospace."

Rep. Mark Meadows slammed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen during a House Oversight Committee on Wednesday for allegedly violating the Foreign Agent Disclosure Act (FARA).
Fox News reported that a source close to Meadows indicated that the criminal referral "specifically involves Cohen’s consulting on behalf of Kazakhstan’s BTA Bank, as well as consulting for Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis and South Korean aerospace."
More @ The Daily Wire
Blasting Trump, Cohen Admits: No Evidence of Collusion, No Directive to Commit Perjury, Key Claim in Dossier is False
Via Billy
Late last night, Michael Cohen's opening statement -- as prepared for today's testimony before the House Oversight Committee -- was released online. It spanned 20 pages, and it was packed with strikingly negative commentaries, anecdotes and assertions about President Trump. I read all of it, carefully considering both the 'believability' of the allegations, as well as the motives of the alleger.
Having watched hours of testimony today, I believe my initial tweeted thoughts have stood up pretty well. After describing Cohen's words as "extraordinarily negative" and very blunt," I offered this analysis:
Late last night, Michael Cohen's opening statement -- as prepared for today's testimony before the House Oversight Committee -- was released online. It spanned 20 pages, and it was packed with strikingly negative commentaries, anecdotes and assertions about President Trump. I read all of it, carefully considering both the 'believability' of the allegations, as well as the motives of the alleger.
Having watched hours of testimony today, I believe my initial tweeted thoughts have stood up pretty well. After describing Cohen's words as "extraordinarily negative" and very blunt," I offered this analysis:
More @ Townhall
You Can No Longer Be A Decent Person And A Democrat

Last night, Senate Democrats blocked a bill called the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act. The media tells us that this was an “anti-abortion” bill. The blood-drenched scumbags of NARAL call it an “extremist” and “anti-choice” bill. Elizabeth Warren calls it an attack on women. It was none of those things.
The legislation would not restrict abortion at all. It had nothing to do with “reproductive rights” or “choice” or “fetuses” or any handy euphemism. The point was simply to protect those children who are born after a failed abortion. Let me emphasize: the bill in question would have given legal protection to born, living, infant humans. Under the law, had it passed, hospitals would have been required to deliver basic medical care to these children:
More @ The Daily Wire
How Forcing Michael Cohen To Divulge Attorney-Client Communications Damages The Rule Of Law
Via Billy
This cooked-up pretext to invade the president’s attorney-client privilege is a stain of shame on the rule of law and tramples on a 500-year-old rule that protects our common law tradition.
The New York Times promised that today Michael Cohen, the president’s former attorney, “will describe in what was called ‘granular detail’ the plan to pay Ms. Daniels, which he will say was initiated by Mr. Trump, the person familiar with the testimony plans said.”
This cooked-up pretext to invade the president’s attorney-client privilege is a stain of shame on the rule of law and tramples on a 500-year-old rule that protects our common law tradition.
The New York Times promised that today Michael Cohen, the president’s former attorney, “will describe in what was called ‘granular detail’ the plan to pay Ms. Daniels, which he will say was initiated by Mr. Trump, the person familiar with the testimony plans said.”
This, the Times rapturously promised, would provide, “evidence of potential criminal conduct since Mr. Trump became president.” As shown below, this cooked-up pretext to invade the president’s attorney-client privilege is a stain of shame on the rule of law and tramples on a 500-year-old rule that protects our common law tradition.
More @ The Federalist
"This is the real image of Viet Nam!"
Via Nephew Lê Bá Dzũng "Every time I hear the news say North Korea should follow Vietnam's example, it makes me sick to my stomach 🤮 North Korea should follow South Korea, not Vietnam!"
Peter Onuf’s Jefferson

A review of Jefferson and the Virginians: Democracy, Constitutions, and Empire (LSU Press, 2018) by Peter Onuf
Historian Peter S. Onuf first saw the light as a Connecticut Yankee. Powerful of intellect even in his teens, he met the American Revolution as the subject of serious study in a Johns Hopkins graduate seminar (in which he was the sole undergraduate) taught by the greatest scholar of colonial America, Jack P. Greene.
Onuf’s earliest work focused on the kinds of legal/constitutional topics Greene has explored best. Students interested in “independent” Vermont, the Northwest Ordinance, or any of the several other subjects on which Onuf published his early books and articles find themselves starting, and most often finishing, with what he said about them.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Man goes viral with plan to retire to a Holiday Inn instead of nursing home to save costs
I read about one man who stays on cruise ships at $100 a day. Not bad!
Terry Robinson of Spring, Texas, listed his reasons for spending his golden years as a customer of the hotel chain in a viral post on Facebook earlier this month.
More @ The Hill
Irate Woman All Smiles Attacking Man in MAGA Hat. ICE Learns She’s Illegal and Makes Arrest
Via Billy
Rosiane Santos was recently arrested for after assaulting a Trump supporter who was wearing a “MAGA” hat inside a Mexican restaurant in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Even employees of the restaurant confirmed that Bryton Turner had simply ordered food before he was accosted by Santos.

“Santos is currently facing local charges for assault and other offenses. She is presently in ICE custody and has been entered into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts.”Assaulting someone over their hat is a crime, but bragging and seeking media attention for doing it while you’re in the country illegally seems particularly unwise.
Rosiane Santos was recently arrested for after assaulting a Trump supporter who was wearing a “MAGA” hat inside a Mexican restaurant in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Even employees of the restaurant confirmed that Bryton Turner had simply ordered food before he was accosted by Santos.
More @ WJ
To Southern Women
Via Billy
Travis Reynolds to English Friends of the South
February 26, 2019
At twenty-two years of age John Worsham enlisted in the 21st VA when the War started. During his time of service he recorded his experiences and later published his memoirs. This post is a sad illustration of the passion and devotion of the Southern women that tugs on the heart even today.
Source: One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry his Experience and what he saw During the War 1861-1865, Including a History of "F Company," Richmond, Va., 21st Regiment Virginia Infantry, Second Brigade, Jackson's Division, Second Corps, A. N. Va.: by Worsham, John H.
Link to free e-book:
Vietnam's Landscape
Via Sister Anne
There's a reason why 15million tourists flocked to Vietnam last year. These incredible pictures reveal the country in all its exotic glory. The collection includes other-worldly mountains and buzzing cities.
There's a reason why 15million tourists flocked to Vietnam last year. These incredible pictures reveal the country in all its exotic glory. The collection includes other-worldly mountains and buzzing cities.
More @ Daily Mail
"Now do you see Trump won the shutdown?"
Four weeks ago, President Trump and Congress agreed to end their stalemate over the wall and end the government shutdown. Democrats immediately declared victory.
I explained to readers the who, what, where, when, how, and why Democrats lost.
First, "Trump is getting the wall."
Second, "No, Trump did not cave."
Third, "Trump wins because he isn't screwing anyone over."
Let us review.
More @ Don Suber
Quick hits February 26, 2019
New Gallup Study Spells Disaster for Dems Going into 2020 as Almost Entire Country Dominated by Conservatives
Via Billy
When Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the first few days and weeks saw liberals beset with howling about how the Electoral College needed to be done away with.
Sure, the whole point of the election was to win 270 electoral votes, which is why the candidates allocated campaign resources the way they did. Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote must have been salve to her ego, but that and $11.99 could have bought her a 12-pack of Yuengling.
She also had twice as much money as Trump to blow over the course of the campaign and couldn’t win Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, states that hadn’t gone red since the Nintendo Entertainment System was considered high tech

When Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the first few days and weeks saw liberals beset with howling about how the Electoral College needed to be done away with.
Sure, the whole point of the election was to win 270 electoral votes, which is why the candidates allocated campaign resources the way they did. Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote must have been salve to her ego, but that and $11.99 could have bought her a 12-pack of Yuengling.
She also had twice as much money as Trump to blow over the course of the campaign and couldn’t win Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, states that hadn’t gone red since the Nintendo Entertainment System was considered high tech
More @ WJ
‘Unsustainable’ Single-Family Housing Declared ‘Racist’
Via Gleason Long
One of the main indicators used by economists to measure the health of the nation’s economy is housing starts – the number of private homes being built around the nation. In 2018 housing starts fell in all four regions of the nation, representing the biggest drop since 2016.
While many economists point to issues such as higher material costs as a reason for the drop in housing starts, a much more ominous reason may be emerging. Across the nation, city councils and state legislatures are beginning to remove zoning protections for single-family neighborhoods, claiming they are racist discrimination designed to keep certain minorities out of such neighborhoods. In response to these charges some government officials are calling for the end of single-family homes in favor of multiple family apartments.
Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center, an internationally recognized private property advocacy groups says, “The immediate result of eliminating single-family homes and in turn, destroying private property rights, is to degrade the property values of the homes so many have worked to build. It used to be called the American dream. Now it’s labeled racism, discrimination, and social injustice.”The UNs’ Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and New Urban Agenda policies intend to end private property rights altogether to flip capitalism and Free Enterprise into Sustainable Development. This attack is intensifying throughout America. ⁃ TN Editor
One of the main indicators used by economists to measure the health of the nation’s economy is housing starts – the number of private homes being built around the nation. In 2018 housing starts fell in all four regions of the nation, representing the biggest drop since 2016.
While many economists point to issues such as higher material costs as a reason for the drop in housing starts, a much more ominous reason may be emerging. Across the nation, city councils and state legislatures are beginning to remove zoning protections for single-family neighborhoods, claiming they are racist discrimination designed to keep certain minorities out of such neighborhoods. In response to these charges some government officials are calling for the end of single-family homes in favor of multiple family apartments.
More @ Technology
Federal Court Judge Rules In Challenge to Bump Stock Ban. Here's What You Need to Know.
Via Billy
Back in December, the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) finalized a new regulation that changed definition of “machinegun” to include “bump-stock-type devices." Beginning March 26, owning or possessing a bump stock will be illegal.
On Monday night, a federal court judge denied three separate preliminary injunction requests. The decision was a consolidated ruling in two cases, Firearms Policy Coalition v. Whitaker and Guedes v. Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
According to court documents, the plaintiffs had varying arguments for a preliminary injunction:

Back in December, the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) finalized a new regulation that changed definition of “machinegun” to include “bump-stock-type devices." Beginning March 26, owning or possessing a bump stock will be illegal.
On Monday night, a federal court judge denied three separate preliminary injunction requests. The decision was a consolidated ruling in two cases, Firearms Policy Coalition v. Whitaker and Guedes v. Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
According to court documents, the plaintiffs had varying arguments for a preliminary injunction:
More @ Townhall
A Crisis of Confidence

What Caddell understood better than anyone else, even during the 2016 election, is that mainstream America doesn’t care for social justice, violent activism, or radical change. They want blue collar jobs, a stable economy, low crime, and a positive future without being hectored by self-righteous hypocrites with a treasury of counterfeit virtue. In other words, they don’t like Yankees. Trump may not be from the South, but as a real New Yorker, he was certainly more genuine than the poseurs that masqueraded as candidates from both parties. Americans can tolerate moral failings so long as the candidate seems authentic.
What the establishment didn’t get then–and what they don’t get now–is that the Crisis of Confidence speech honestly reflected the American character, and the “silent majority,” which may not be a crushing mandate in 2019, still believes in a Southern Jeffersonian order. Promoting it with a Southern accent helps, but most Americans will take a New Yorker with Jeffersonian principles as long as he champions the “rebirth of the American spirit.
Pat Caddell died on February 16. Several major news outlets ran stories about his influence in both the Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump campaigns. Everyone understood Caddell’s role as the voice of the “outsider.” A colleague at the College of Charleston, where Caddell served in the Political Science department for the last couple of years, said that Caddell hated everything about modern politics, including the corporate press. Caddell viewed the world as the people versus the establishment. Party didn’t matter, only ideas, which is why he could move seamlessly between Democrat and Republican campaigns.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Hollywood’s Fake History

The battle of Jenkins Ferry near Little Rock, Arkansas in late April, 1864, is pronounced a victory for Northern forces by Wikipedia despite Gen. Kirby Smith holding the field of battle afterward and preventing the juncture of two enemy armies. The infamous Red River campaign of Northern commander Nathaniel Banks, of which Jenkins Ferry was part, was as noted below, a cotton-stealing campaign, as officers had their men confiscate cotton bales and send them to New Orleans for their personal enrichment.
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
Hollywood’s Fake History
“The [Steven Spielberg] film [Lincoln] begins with a false portrayal of the battle of Jenkins Ferry, a victory by outnumbered (as usual) Confederates that put an end to a major Union cotton-stealing campaign. There was no massacre of black troops at Poison Springs, nor any massacre of Confederate prisoners by blacks in retaliation at Jenkins Ferry, as is claimed.
Most Northern soldiers would have slaughtered their black “comrades” before allowing them to slaughter Confederate prisoners. I suppose this invention makes a gratifying vicarious revenge fantasy for the leftist homosexual screenwriter.
The 1st and 2nd Kansas Regiments (Colored) are described inaccurately as cavalry. There were no black cavalry units in active service in the war. Northern soldiers would have balked at blacks riding while they walked.
During the war blacks soldiers were mostly labor and garrison troops, and occasionally, as at Ft. Wagner and the Crater, sacrificed in forlorn hopes of sparing the lives of white Northerners. Ambrose Bierce, a frontline Union soldier for the entire war, said he never saw any black people except the servants and concubines of Union officers.
The film shows Lincoln in friendly conversation with black soldiers who were veterans of Jenkins Ferry, though how they got to Washington from Arkansas is not explained. Such a scene is unlikely. Lincoln throughout his life had relatively little contact with black people. Some were run out of Springfield in Lincoln’s time, and at least one lynching occurred there after the war.
Lincoln did receive a delegation or two at the White House, to whom he hinted that the best thing their people could do was to emigrate to some friendlier clime . . . [and] used the N-word routinely. As Frederick Douglass observed, Lincoln was emphatically “the white man’s president.”
Obviously, these filmmakers wanted the film to be all about slavery, requiring a basic perversion of accuracy. But like so much of the treatment of the war, charity for black people actually takes second place to the whitewashing of Northern behavior, to safeguarding what Robert Penn Warren called “the treasury of virtue.”
Southerners and Confederates fared much better in Hollywood during the first half of the 20th century than they do now, although the picture is mixed, and an occasional sympathetic treatment sneaks through. A recent film, The Conspirator, about the execution of Mary Surratt for the Lincoln assassination, was fairly even-handed and accurate. Even so, it could not escape a certain amount of whitewash, almost as much as Tom Sawyer’s fence.
Inevitably, the degree to which Lincoln was beloved by his own side is exaggerated. Lincoln worship was a posthumous thing. And the film implies that Mrs. Surratt would not have been executed if her son had not escaped, thus shifting the blame of her murder from her killers to John Surratt. Think about it: It is suggested that these people were right to execute a mother since they could not lay hands on the son.
Indeed, the film entirely fails to convey the atmosphere of haste and secrecy that surrounded the whole of the proceedings after Lincoln’s assassination. Here again is something that has been broached by an occasional maverick historian but which Americans have never faced.
You would think in a matter so important there would be an exhaustive investigation. Instead, the supposed guilty parties were bound, hooded, gagged, and swiftly executed, and Booth when cornered and badly injured was killed rather than captured.
Why the haste? Cui bono? In fact, [Secretary of War Edwin] Stanton’s secret and summary dealings guaranteed that the full truth would never be known.”
(Civil War Cinema, Clyde N. Wilson, Chronicles, May 2013, excerpts pp. 45-46
Monday, February 25, 2019
Vietnamese Bamboo Airline takes steps to open flights to US with Boeing
Via Billy
IATA has listed the Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh Saigon route as the sixth busiest in the world by passenger numbers.
Vietnamese airline Bamboo Airways will sign a deal with Boeing Co. to buy 10 airplanes as Bamboo seeks to launch flights to the U.S. by the end of this year or early next year, according to Reuters.
The deal will be made on the sidelines of this week's summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Vietnam, Reuters reported.
Bamboo previously placed an order last year for 20 Boeing 787 widebody jets, Reuters reported.

Vietnamese airline Bamboo Airways will sign a deal with Boeing Co. to buy 10 airplanes as Bamboo seeks to launch flights to the U.S. by the end of this year or early next year, according to Reuters.
The deal will be made on the sidelines of this week's summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Vietnam, Reuters reported.
Bamboo previously placed an order last year for 20 Boeing 787 widebody jets, Reuters reported.
More @ The Hill
'EXECUTING BABIES': Trump Unleashes On Democrats Voting Against Bill Preventing Newborns From Being Killed
Via Billy
President Donald Trump slammed Democrats on Monday evening for refusing to support legislation that would prevent innocent newborn babies from being killed if they were born alive after surviving an abortion.
"All but three Democrats voted against a procedural motion on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, denying it the necessary 60 votes to proceed," The Mercury News reported. "The final vote count was 53 in favor and 44 opposed."
"Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children," Trump tweeted. "The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth."

President Donald Trump slammed Democrats on Monday evening for refusing to support legislation that would prevent innocent newborn babies from being killed if they were born alive after surviving an abortion.
"All but three Democrats voted against a procedural motion on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, denying it the necessary 60 votes to proceed," The Mercury News reported. "The final vote count was 53 in favor and 44 opposed."
"Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children," Trump tweeted. "The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth."
More @ The Daily Wire
Black Racists Call for Genocide of Whites
Via Billy
After refusing to disavow how their friends treated the Covington Catholic kids, the Black Hebrew Israelites in Los Angeles said white people need to prepare their butts for slaughter.
After refusing to disavow how their friends treated the Covington Catholic kids, the Black Hebrew Israelites in Los Angeles said white people need to prepare their butts for slaughter.
Facts & Connections: Well Worth While: Mueller: A Journey To The Dark Side
Many crimes, including government corruption, have been covered-up by Robert Mueller. President Trump needs to find a way to investigate and criminally charge him. Attorney Robert Barnes explains the corruption and crimes of Robert Mueller.
Chicago PD Superintendent: ‘A Lot More Evidence’ Against Smollett

Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson revealed “there is a lot more evidence” going against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett’s version of an alleged hate crime.
Johnson said as of now, Smollett will still get his day in court, but he said physical evidence, video evidence and testimony “does not support the version he gave.”
More @ Breitbart
PayPal CEO Admits Partnership with Far-Left $PLC to Blacklist Conservatives

PayPal CEO Dan Schulman admitted during an interview with the Wall Street Journal that PayPal works with the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center ($PLC) when it considers blacklisting conservatives.
After being asked by the Wall Street Journal what “values” PayPal identifies with,” Schulman replied, “Probably the most important value to us is diversity and inclusion.”
“I think North Carolina was probably the moment that was the most visible, where we basically said this violates our core value and we need to make a very public stand on it,” claimed Schulman, referencing the time when PayPal pulled out of an investment in North Carolina because the state passed a bill making it mandatory for people to use the bathroom of their biological sex.
More @ Breitbart
Comment on Public Schools Are Little More Than Promoters Of The Leftist Agenda (So what else is new?)
"Ya, I know but my school is different."
Have you actually spent any time at their school to see what's going on?
"I would like to but I'm really busy working."
Have you read any of their school books?
"No, but I am sure thy are ok or my kids would tell me."
Are you aware of Channel One News and what you kids see on it every day?
"No, but if it was bad my kids would let me know."
So you haven't been to the school, you haven't read their books, and you have no idea what Channel One News is showing them?
"Look, my kids are good kids, and their school is OK so let's just move onto something else, OK?"
Nero fiddled.
Y'all have a nice day..
----Average Joe
Americans Become More Pro-Life After Recent Push by Dems To Expand Abortion
Via Billy
The Marist poll found that equal numbers of Americans — 47 percent — said that they are pro-life or pro-abortion. That is the first time since 2009 the two sides of the abortion debate have been even in the public mind.
The poll also recorded a major change among Democrats. Last month, 20 percent of Democrats said they were pro-life. That shot up to 34 percent in the current poll.A new poll shows that after New York jubilantly approved legislation to expand abortion and Virginia abortion supporters pushed bills to allow abortion up to the moment of birth, the American people have responded by opposing abortion in surprising numbers.
The Marist poll found that equal numbers of Americans — 47 percent — said that they are pro-life or pro-abortion. That is the first time since 2009 the two sides of the abortion debate have been even in the public mind.
More @ WJ
Public Schools Are Little More Than Promoters Of The Leftist Agenda (So what else is new?)

You would think by this late date that most thinking parents would long ago have realized what the public school system in this country is really doing to their children. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case. People continue to feed their kids into these mis-education monsters and then can’t figure out why their kids come home with severe emotional problems.
If there were only a small handful of us writing about this stuff I could figure out why so few listen but there are literally hundreds of articles out there on the internet about what goes on in public schools, so many I can’t begin to mention them all. In any given article the best you can do is quote a few sources and hope that moves some people to start researching on their own. Those who are not willing to at least try to find out what their kids are being spoon fed are probably hopeless–and their kids will end up being even more so.
More @ Revised History
Rep. Vern Buchanan will Co-sponsor Sen. Cruz's EL CHAPO Act to Pay For Border Wall
Via Billy
Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) announced that he will co-sponsor Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) "EL CHAPO" Act Monday, according to a press release from Buchanan’s press office.
“Guzman’s drug empire amassed an estimated $14 billion from narcotic sales responsible for destroying the lives of millions of Americans,” Buchanan said. “As President Trump looks to secure the southern border, Congress should pass this commonsense measure to use seized drug money to staunch the flow of drugs and violence into our communities.”

“Guzman’s drug empire amassed an estimated $14 billion from narcotic sales responsible for destroying the lives of millions of Americans,” Buchanan said. “As President Trump looks to secure the southern border, Congress should pass this commonsense measure to use seized drug money to staunch the flow of drugs and violence into our communities.”
More @ Townhall
CNN Ends Interview When Venezuelan Guest Warns Radical Dems Endangering America
Via Billy
CNN certainly knows how to end an interview when things get a bit out of hand.
Take, for instance, the network’s recent segment with Daniel Di Martino. Di Martino is a Venezuelan expatriate who supports an international force coming to the aid of U.S.-recognized Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó and to end the violence and impoverishment that the country is facing.
CNN certainly knows how to end an interview when things get a bit out of hand.
Take, for instance, the network’s recent segment with Daniel Di Martino. Di Martino is a Venezuelan expatriate who supports an international force coming to the aid of U.S.-recognized Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó and to end the violence and impoverishment that the country is facing.
More @ WJ
NC: Practicing 'Christian' Abortionist: "Abortion kills a human being."
My Two Cent Check Is Returned |
Last night, during a debate between Dr. Mike Adams and Dr. Willie Parker at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Dr. Parker, a “Christian” abortionist, admitted, “Abortion kills a human being.”
Parker is not the first abortionist to openly admit he kills human beings. Many others have done so, as well. But this transparency from one who commits abortions is nevertheless sharply contrasted with advocates of abortion who routinely insist it is not killing.
Following the admission, Adams asks Parker how many human beings he has killed. Parker initially tries to deflect the question, but his eventual answer is shocking.
You’ve got to see it to believe it!
Via Larry Bach
Socialism promises prosperity, but it delivers poverty.”
“Socialism promises unity, but it delivers hatred and it delivers division. Socialism promises a better future, but it always returns to the darkest chapters of the past,” he continued.
“That never fails. It always happens. Socialism is a sad and discredited ideology rooted in the total ignorance of history and human nature, which is why socialism, eventually, must always give rise to tyranny, which it does.
“Socialists profess a love of diversity, but they always insist on absolute conformity. We know that socialism is not about justice, it’s not about equality, it’s not about lifting up the poor. Socialism is about one thing only: power for the ruling class. And the more power they get, the more they crave.
“They want to run healthcare, run transportation and finance, run energy, education — run everything,” he added.
“They want the power to decide who wins and who loses, who’s up and who’s down, what’s true and what’s false, and even who lives and who dies. In short, all of us here today know that there is nothing less democratic than socialism.
“Everywhere and anywhere it appears, socialism advances under the banner of progress,” Trump added. “But in the end, it delivers only corruption, exploitation, and decay.”

Socialism promises prosperity, but it delivers poverty.”
“Socialism promises unity, but it delivers hatred and it delivers division. Socialism promises a better future, but it always returns to the darkest chapters of the past,” he continued.
“That never fails. It always happens. Socialism is a sad and discredited ideology rooted in the total ignorance of history and human nature, which is why socialism, eventually, must always give rise to tyranny, which it does.
“Socialists profess a love of diversity, but they always insist on absolute conformity. We know that socialism is not about justice, it’s not about equality, it’s not about lifting up the poor. Socialism is about one thing only: power for the ruling class. And the more power they get, the more they crave.
“They want to run healthcare, run transportation and finance, run energy, education — run everything,” he added.
“They want the power to decide who wins and who loses, who’s up and who’s down, what’s true and what’s false, and even who lives and who dies. In short, all of us here today know that there is nothing less democratic than socialism.
“Everywhere and anywhere it appears, socialism advances under the banner of progress,” Trump added. “But in the end, it delivers only corruption, exploitation, and decay.”
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