Monday, June 10, 2019

Cliven Bundy: Oregon ranchers at center of armed occupation ‘failed’ supporters in flagging states’ rights movement

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“Hammonds had their property back, they have all their rights, everything was given back to them. And then what do they do? They go down and sign a contract with the BLM. ... Who controls the rights now? The federal government controls them.”
There wasn’t a big crowd for Cliven Bundy to rally to his cause Saturday in Nephi, where he lamented what he described as a softening states’ rights movement in the American West.

“What’s wrong is, we forgot the Constitution again,” he told just more than a dozen members of the conservative Independent American Party, which held its annual convention at Juab High School.

Bundy said even the most strident critics of federal land management have become complicit in what he called government overreach.

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