Friday, August 9, 2019

Grow Up! Baseball Bats, Golf Clubs, Swords Are Not Viable Self-Defense Tools


Almost everyone reading this column has made the decision to carry a firearm to defend themselves and their families against violent assault. I applaud you for this, but for those who do not employ a firearm to do so I have a very simple question: What’s the plan?

What is your Personal Protection Plan? Do you intend to use pepper spray? Empty-hand techniques? Maybe something a little more exotic? If you have to, put this magazine down and write out, specifically, what you would begin to do while dialing 911 when glass is smashing in the dark.

More @ Guns America


  1. IDK, the American in me keeps a hand axe in the general area.

    1. Keeping a can of wasp spray by the door doesn't hurt either.

  2. I will never peacefully surrender my firearm. Should a gun confiscation law take effect IMO it is TIME. Time to water the tree of liberty. I suspect that few are left in what was once a great nation who will agree with me. For the most part the "Right" is as gutless as the hippy draft dogers of the 60's. It no longer matters. Because "red flag" laws are the start of universal confiscation. After that (very soon after that) come the communist death camps. Where the MAGA hat fools who supported out betrayer will moan and cry that they did nothing. IT.IS. TIME. To fight or surrender all. The wait is over. Should any of this TREASON pass into "law" then we are at war. Fight the communist now with guns. Or say bad words to them as they gas you. Trump is a communist and we are betrayed by all the one party system. We have only one vote left. If any still have the man parts to use it.--Ray

  3. Naïve people will never accept this inevitable reality: "Individuals are solely responsible for their own safety, the police are only the record keepers after your untimely demise."
