Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Governor Northam Announces Mask Requirements Beginning Friday

Via Susan

Above via Quartermain

More @ 993 The Fox


  1. And for those of you with asthma, you can die.

  2. But are we supposed to wear his blackface mask or his white hood?

  3. He has no authority for any of that. If you fail to obey, what can he charge you with? Nothing. If there is no statute, there can be no penalties.


    1. I agree Anon. But I bet his gestapo aka: State police" will ignore your rights and drag you off in cuffs. Then a Liberal judge will toss you in the slammer. What average person wants to go through that to prove a point? On the bright side maybe 5 years later after you've had to remortage your house to pay the lawyer's fees justice might prevail. And maybe 5 years from now we'll still be masked as well.

    2. On the bright side maybe 5 years later after you've had to remortage your house to pay the lawyer's fees justice might prevail.


  4. We are exempt from wearing a mask for "medical" or "psychological" reasons, but are not required to disclose those conditions (HIPAA). Therefore, all the places ordered to require masks MUST still allow you access under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    Sort of like the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the places "in rebellion, but allowing slavery in those areas loyal to the federal government. It served up good feelings for some while having zero effect on others. Of course most think that it was the "law".

    1. Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the places "in rebellion, but allowing slavery in those areas loyal to the federal government. It served up good feelings for some while having zero effect on others. Of course most think that it was the "law".


  5. This is a perfect example of why the leftists call conservatives, Constitutionalists and pro Liberty people, "NAZIS". They religiously adhere to Saul Alinksky's "Rule for Radicals", a chief one being, "accuse others of what you do". --Ron W

    1. "accuse others of what you do"

      They've got that one down pat.

  6. https://qquartermainsquarantine.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-black-faced-lizard-is-wondering.html
