Saturday, July 11, 2020

Near Saigon April 30th: Regular and PF Troops

Via Trung dũng kiên cường



  1. Very interesting.

    I wonder if our own people would behave similarly in the face of imminent defeat by an invading foreign power?

    1. Although there was hostile fire from civilians and the Rangers knocked off a few tanks at intersections, I believe there would be more here, though once they were told to accept the surrender, they were in a bind and maybe we would have some going into the mountains as they did there. Never trust a Communist.
      One of his warrior's, Bao, went into the hills to continue fighting the Communists after the end. Years later, the Communists told Bao's sister that if he and his men turned themselves in, then they would grant them amnesty. Unfortunately, he believed them, and when he came to Chau Doc to surrender, they immediately took him to the marketplace and promptly executed him. Drew Dix ends his book with the follow words. "It was a humiliating way for a warrior to go and I often think of him!"
