Saturday, July 11, 2020

New York Daily News logo FEMA denies Minnesota’s request for federal aid to help repair Twin Cities damage after George Floyd protests

Via G.W. Long

A protester carries a American flag upside down, a sign of distress, next to a burning building in Minneapolis.

Minnesota, you’re on your own.
About a week after Gov. Tim Walz wrote to President Trump requesting federal aid to repair widespread damage in Minneapolis and St. Paul from the fiery George Floyd protests, the Federal Emergency Management Agency rebuffed the request for a financial helping hand.

The state has estimated total damages at more than $500 million, and Walz specifically wrote in his July 2 letter that $15 million in cleanup and repair costs could be eligible for federal reimbursement.
More @ MSN


  1. That governor sure has a lot of gall... I am glad he was turned down and I am hoping all the mayors and governors from blue states that stood down their police forces and National guard from arresting and prosecuting these malcontents. Now, those same governors, mayors, police chiefs and prosecuting attorneys face federal criminal and civil charges.

  2. Can we expect law suits to follow and the refusal of FEMA funding to be overturned? From the liberals track record over the last 3&1/2 years I think we know the answer.

  3. Well deserved response to their request. They had it coming.

  4. Glad that Gov. Walz's request was denied. It is about time that the residents of the Peoples Socialist Democratic State of Minnesota live with the consequences of their collective stupidity. I am looking forward to the day when I move out of this socialist state. As long as Minnesotans continue to elect Lefties to political office they deserve in full measure every thing they get. Even though I do live here, I do NOT and never will consider myself to be a "Minnesotan". I do NOT consider Liberals/ Lefties to be my fellow countrymen.

    1. I do NOT consider Liberals/ Lefties to be my fellow countrymen

      Nor do I, commies all.

  5. As a former Minnesota citizen I approve of this message. It has been ages since political leadership has been held accountable for being incompetent. Bravo.

  6. Several times I have written President Trump to not send federal monies to CA. It is because of the absurdity of the slimy dictator governor. I am in CA.

