Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Tyranny Perpetual and Universal? Is the leftist dream now within reach? If President Trump loses, we will find out.

Via 4 Branch

After “Is 2020 another ‘Flight 93 election?’” the question I most often hear is “What happens if Trump loses?” 
The answer to the first question, unfortunately, is yes, but more so.

The summary of the answer to the second is: much more of the same. More of all the trends, policies, and practices that revolutionized American life in the 1960s, that enrich the ruling class and its foot soldiers at middle America’s expense, erode our natural and constitutionally guaranteed rights and liberties, degrade our culture and its people, and dishonor our heritage and history. The war on those who self-identify as Americans, and only as Americans, who love their country despite its flaws—who are certain in their bones that its strengths and glories vastly outweigh its historic and present shortcomings—waged by those who hate America and Americans, who want to destroy the former and crush the latter, will go on.


  1. This election is pretty much in the bag. The question we should be asking ourselves is, who is fit to take his place in 2024? It is a certainty that Trump will eventually leave the White house and then we can count on the republican party to run another string of romney-bush-mcCains. Trumps biggest flaw is that there is only one of him.


    1. The $64,000 question.If Trump's son ran the commies would go crazy! :)

  2. Trump's son is no Trump. But it would be awesome if president Trump jr, appointed his dad as "advisor to the President", with rooms in the White House. We would all be showered in blood and brains from their exploding heads.


  3. Present a false paradigm that the election is neck and neck. Exploit that paradigm to develop a readership which would likely buy your book. Write the fantastical tale in book form. Get rich.

    Meanwhile, sacrificed is just a bit more of reality. The reality is it's gonna be a minimum 40 point landslide. I'm actually thinking more towards 80% but I have to account for the various dumbasses in society and the movers who seek to strike an alternate reality (for their own selfish agenda) and those millions of turds who, for a variety of reasons including sloth, have failed to reason for themselves so they have become accustomed to being led by the nose in thought and deed. Of course, there are many who see opportunity in taking hold the nose ring by the herd.

    1. I don't know about the percentages, but I agree with you that it could be easily be a landslide.
