Sunday, September 27, 2020

Coming To You As You Drive Around

Matthew Bracken - [Enemies 01] - Enemies Foreign and Domestic (PDF) |  Second Amendment To The United States Constitution | United States Congress

As I drive around in urban areas of late, I have mentally prepared myself for this type of scenario – Have you? What would you do?

With more and more Soros supported and funded DA’s do you think twice now about fighting back? I bet you a year ago you would not have to think twice about defending family and possessions but not today.

Remember, as you come up to a red traffic light and you are not the first in queue make sure you can see the rear wheels of the vehicle in front of you. This allows you to go around the vehicle in front of you if necessary. Also, remember that your vehicle is a weapon of sorts and can be replaced. Do not stop even if you must plow through a vehicle stopping your escape. Pedal to the metal.

More @ American Partisan


ABR used three vehicles to chase the white Prius down and attack it after it escaped the mob. A pickup truck with ABRs in the back got ahead of the Prius and cut it off from the front.

A convertible followed, packed with more troops. Both of these vehicles had guys ready to leap out for a fight or attack. And they had a dirt bike on the side to pursue anybody running away on foot, or keep up the chase if the other vehicles were blocked.

ABR tactics must not be underestimated. This was an Antifa QRF: two fast “troop carriers” and a motorbike. Not random at all: this was a QRF in waiting, probably SOP for a standard ABR nighttime roadblocking mob.

Note the speed of the single motorbike, but numerous ABRs on mountain bikes arrive pretty fast too.

The black pickup / troop carrier was probably located as security on the forward end of the mob, because it was able to overtake the Prius very fast. The green convertible took a while to catch up, so it was probably on the back side of the mob, and had to get through “the comrades” before taking up the chase.

It’s important to note that on this date, ABR is using clubs and skateboards to smash vehicle windows. In a month or so, these can easily be replaced with pistols or other firearms as the SHTF escalation progresses. They could have easily shot the driver of the Prius. During a wide open SHTF / CW2, expect and plan for these ABR vehicle QRF tactics, but with the commies armed with guns instead of clubs.


  1. Anyone know if the Prius had a Coexist sticker on it? And if so, why didn't that help?
