Saturday, September 19, 2020

Welcome Home Todd Engel!


After four and a half years of wrongful incarceration, Todd Engel is finally free and back home in Idaho. When his conviction was vacated by the Ninth Circuit, and Judge Navarro signed off on the dismissal of charges, he became a regular citizen again, with no stigma or criminal record attached to his name.

More @ Redoubt News


  1. What were his charges? If the FBI had to harass him and try to
    set him up then there must not have been any crime.
    Yet, they couldn't charge Bill Ayers. What a joke.

    1. If the FBI had to harass him and try to set him up then there must not have been any crime. Yet, they couldn't charge Bill Ayers. What a joke

      Commies know no logic.

  2. Hopefully the next case on the Docket Re: General Flynn vs. The Deep State will eventually end with the same result.

  3. It was not that they couldn't charge ayers, they didn't want to.
    He is one of theirs.
