Sunday, December 6, 2020

DOJ Should AGAIN Use RICO Statute to Prosecute Democrat Party Swing-State Election Fraud

 Via G.W. Long

 DOJ Should AGAIN Use RICO Statute to Prosecute Democrat Party Swing-State Election Fraud

In processing our massive 2020 presidential election theft crisis, America does have another option. The DOJ’s RICO statute, created for organized crime has been used for e-vote election frauds. In 2009, a number of Clay County Kentucky election officials, including candidates, poll workers and judges were convicted for rigging elections, exactly like today. We MUST use this strategy again because this multi-state fraud is too large and detailed to treat fairly in a short period. Our Constitutional Republic will not survive this massive election fraud without quick Federal intervention.

RICO FRAUD PREDICATE: Enough fraud surfaced in Swing States to indicate a coordinated, interstate criminal undertaking exists for DOJ to declare a Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) investigation. Created October 15, 1970, to battle Mafia, RICO has been successfully used against many organizations, The claim is the Democrat Party has degenerated into a mafia-like organization, regularly breaking the law. Famously, on March 19, 2009, the DOJ announced: “Clay County KY Board of Election Officials Arrested and Indicted for Racketeering and Voter Fraud Conspiracy.” 

More @ Canada Free Press


  1. It would require the DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIA and all of the other alphabet agencies to not be wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party for them to actually get off their collectivist asses and do their jobs. I won't be holding my breath waiting for Barr to crawl out of his hidey hole and start making arrests.

    Makes one long for the days when sedition and treason were acts that were treated as crimes and not resumé-enhancers.

    1. Makes one long for the days when sedition and treason were acts that were treated as crimes and not resumé-enhancers

      Good description.
