Sunday, December 6, 2020

"Major Curry, This Came In Today From Saigon" Repost 2011

 Fallen freind

An American soldier casts a sideward glance at a fallen comrade, a look that reveals more than words can say. Tay Ninh, South Vietnam, June 4th, 1967. The soldiers push on after heavy contact with a North Vietnamese force, six miles east of the Cambodian border in War Zone C. The men are members of C Company, Second Battalion, Sixteenth Infantry, Second Brigade, First Infantry Division. 

======== (At USARV Headquarters, anyone who screwed up/didn't do their job was automatically assigned to the 108th Artillery Group at Dong Ha, because that was as far north as you could be sent. Dong Ha was about two hours north of Phu Bai. BT) 

“Welcome to Phu-Bai,” he grunted. “The front lines are about a hundred yards in that direction. Dig your foxholes from that clump of trees around to the dry stream bed over there.” Squinting into the sun, he gestured with a big knuckled forefinger. “My rules of engagement are simple; anything that moves outside the barbed wire after dark gets shot.  ======="Major Curry. This Came In Today From Saigon"


  1. Seem like yesterday. More than 11,00 Bommers didn't make it home in 1967. Some good, some bad, but all of them gone.
