Saturday, January 16, 2021

Stolen Election: "Here's your proof. Pay special attention to the files on dominion voting machines."

Via Anonymous on Stolen Election: "Here's your proof. Pay special attention to the files on dominion voting machines."

How to Rig an Election — National Election Defense Coalition 

 How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes

@ KagBabe


  1. I strongly recommend the documentary HACKING DEMOCRACY.

    A granny buys a voting machine at a government auction.
    With zero-zero-zero hacking experience, she hacks it it a half-hour.
    Thinking this a fluke, her neighbor kid hacks it in seconds.

    She goes on tour, visiting voter registrar offices across America.
    She discovers yuge piles of trash bags of completed ballots outside back-doors and in stacks of boxes corners of dusty warehouses.

    She follows a proud candidate into the vote booth to record her voting... and the machine switches her vote to her opponent.
    Thinking this a fluke, she gets a replacement ballot, but a dozen additional attempts to get the machine to record her vote properly also switch her vote to her opponent.
    All on film.

    My highest recommendation.
