Tuesday, February 16, 2021

75% of Republicans Want To See Trump Play A Big Role In GOP


3 Out Of 4 Republicans Want To See Trump Play A Big Role In GOP, Quinnipiac University National Poll poll.qu.edu




  1. Well he did just win a landslide electoral victory. And his coattails carried a lot of lower offices with him.

  2. Leading the GOP is pointless...they are a WHOLLY owned subsidiary of the commie left. We do not have a two party system in America. We have a SINGLE party...the two faced Janus Party. Two different sides of the same corrupt coin. The GOP exists to serve as the hapless incompetent Washington Generals to the lefts Globetrotters.....NOT to actually oppose them.

    1. I believe it is in this same piece which shows a poll that the majority want a third party.
