Guys Trying to Get Themselves Killed: John Randolph and Henry Clay
"Paper constitutions raise smiles upon the faces of those who have observed their results."
-- Herbert Spencer
The key to the restraint of government can only be an armed, vigilant, and freedom-loving people.
If the people lack sufficient arms, or are unaware of what's being done
to them and its probable consequences, or are unattached to individual
liberty as a sacred right and principle, they will fail to restrain the
depredations of the State, whether by unwillingness or inability. That's
why the totalitarians always:
1. Target the educational and communications sectors of a nation first and foremost;
2. Strive to divide the people, setting some against others;
3. Forbid the private ownership of weapons.
It could hardly be simpler...yet it appears too complex for most Americans of today.
"Paper shreader constitutionalists raise yawns upon the faces of those who have observed their results."