Monday, April 26, 2021

The Communists Won

 Via Προστάτης Καντονεζικός


 Who won the Cold War? The Communists or the Capitalists?  Actually, they both have won it.  There was never that much difference between them to begin with, which was a central message of the Southern Agrarians almost a century ago. The Communist/Capitalists now are the U.S. regime.  They have been converging for many years and are now completely consolidated and completely in control.

The capitalists (the bankers and stockjobbers, to use the terminology of early Americans) now control a vast and ever increasing share of the wealth while the workers get poorer and poorer. Capitalists serve the purposes of the Communists and even bankroll them.

More @ Reckonin'


  1. Socialism/Communism makes it's appeal to the innate greed and laziness of humans. TRUE Capitalism only rewards those who WORK...and that reward isn't guaranteed. Guess which ideology is going to be chosen by most people. This isn't complicated. The problem is in order for people to learn which one actually works and which one destroys everything requires that the society choosing BE DESTROYED....because invariably most choose the "easy" way.
