Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Rally ‘Round the Flag!


As in the practice of lingchi, the ancient Chinese form of slow and painful execution by a thousand cuts, Southern history and tradition are today dying a similar death. The first of these virtual cuts was inflicted over twenty years ago in South Carolina when the Confederate Battle Flag was taken down from the dome of the State Capitol in Columbia. The Confederacy’s wartime banner had been added to the U. S. and State Flags in April of 1961 to mark the hundredth anniversary of the War Between the States and it remained flying atop the dome for four decades without any undue protest. In in year 2000, however, the NAACP began a movement to have the Battle Flag removed and that year, after much discussion with the State Legislature, a compromise was finally reached to relocate the flag to a Confederate memorial on the Capital grounds.

More @ The Abbeville Institute


  1. Have no fear! The next flag they'll demand be taken down/redesigned/more "inclusive" is the flag of the United States of America.

    1. Oh, they're on that already as Trump forecast. The only good commie is a .......

  2. Why is the flag upside down.

    1. It's the square Cavalry Battle Flag. Seems like there is no upside/downside. I fly one.

    2. I might be a dumb Yankee but I can see the Star in the middle is upside down.

  3. There are 5 points to each star. All of these are upside down. The center tips on each should always be pointed upward.

    1. Thanks and here are a bunch.https://duckduckgo.com/?q=confederate+battle+flag+square+cavlary&atb=v1-1&iax=images&ia=images
