Saturday, January 8, 2022

Is Omicron another Lab Generated Government Wielded Weapon?

 Via sw44magnumman Brown   "Saw Jessie Waters and a scientist guest talking about this tonight on Water's World. The scientist said it was practically impossible that the Omicron variant was a mutation of the original Covid-19 virus and it looked like it came from a lab leak in Africa. Did a little searching and found this."

We have now set a precedent for vaccine safety.  Vaccines no longer need long term safety data before being approved for use.  There is also no longer a limit on the number of people a vaccine can kill before it is deemed unsafe.  Essentially anything that a pharmaceutical company develops can now be instantly sold with complete immunity from prosecution and guaranteed profits. All the pharmaceutical companies need to keep the gravy train on the tracks is a new variant or new virus and vaccine passports.

Months ago I warned about this.  I said that the vaccine passports won’t be limited to 2 jabs.  They would not even be limited to COVID.  The pharmaceutical companies don’t even need to wait for Mother Nature to produce a new variant.  They can pay scientists to do that for them.  The SARS COV 2 virus likely came from a lab, there is no reason to believe that others won’t also come from a lab.

When I warned about this months ago it might have seemed a little tin foil “hattish” but these days the only thing separating conspiracy theory from accepted fact is time.

More @ The Truth about Covid


  1. Just the [brainwashed/fearmongered] belief in the existence of "Covid" is all that is necessary for this and future Planned Scamdemics. There is still ZERO proof of a purified/isolated "virus" from nature or the Lab that swept the world. Not saying our Govt. Tools aren't working on such bioweapons to be used against us. Just saying there is no way on God's Green Earth that a State of Emergency can be declared on Jan.31 for a newly discovered bat virus in China and then a few months later the entire world is testing positive. The PCR test had no Covid isolate to detect the new cootie. The Inoculates that were developed also have no Covid virus isolate either. This is all a massive Duping Exercise with most everyone failing on some level due to the Fearmongering, especially this whole Variant Chimera Hoax.
