Tuesday, September 22, 2015

German Citizens Set Fire to Asylum Center Causing a Halt in Muslim Immigration

Va comment by Anonymous on Muslims: We don’t want them to integrate; we want 

 Brandanschlag auf Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Baden-Württemberg


Authorities in the city of Wertheim in southwestern Germany must now refuse to settle any more refugees and migrants after Germans set fire to an asylum center that was ready to house up to 400 people.


 A sports hall, which had been prepared to be used as residence for up to 400 refugees and migrants, caught fire late Saturday night.

Previously Wertheim has provided housing to 600 people at a different center.


  1. People taking their country back in the face of corrupt officials. Listen to your countrymen, jerks,

  2. That's not the first one. I'm aware of two other ones that got torched. The MSM isn't reporting jack shit. The police aren't reporting the crimes that the muslims commit either.

    The muslims raped a 14 year old boy on a train near my AO. Wertheim is about 30 miles from my place. All the Germans are pissed. The idiots with the welcome signs are traitors.

    The Shit hit the fan here. It's going to get wild.

    1. The Shit hit the fan here. It's going to get wild.

      As is needed.

    2. I forgot to mention that I also have fire-making supplies along with the rope.

  3. So there is hope in modern Germany after all.

  4. OT:

    A post at Uncle Bob's Treehouse you may find of interest:


    1. Thanks.http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2015/09/eighty-percent-of-students-shouldnt-be.html

  5. Joseph Paul Watson interviews Syrian Girl:


    Syrian Girl: There is a joke among Syrians "Don't worry, though Saudi Arabia won't take you in, they will build a mosque for you in Germany."

    Another take away is of the "Syrian Refugees" are not Syrians or war refugees just Pakistanis and the like looking for a more lucrative lifestyle.

  6. The idiots with the 'Welcome' signs are staged like the kids the msm always
    eye-ball in on. Suppose to shame you if you don't think the way they have
    worked so hard to stage. You know, the world is a stage. I see this propaganda,
    I just sneer.

    1. I don't bother to view or listen to the Useful Idiots.

  7. From The Irish Savant:
    And, despite the frantic efforts of the traitorous MSM to portray the invaders as primarily doe-eyed children, weeping gentle mothers, hard-working doctors and engineers, their true nature could not be hidden. Three out of four are obviously young able-bodied men, violently and contemptuously ignoring Europe's people and laws, leaving a filthy mess wherever they go, demanding, demanding, demanding, offering nothing in return other than threats. That people's eyes have been opened to the true nature of the invaders can be seen in blog and forum comments everywhere, and in talking to the man in the street. But not in the MSM or in any Official Organs. The disparity between the people and the elite, rulers and ruled (and the supporting edifice of lies and evasions) has never been delineated in such sharp focus.
