Tuesday, September 22, 2015

"I have a black belt in Prayer and Meditation, the necessary Intent, and an expectation of Miracles."

Comment by Horace on  $PLC — Confederate Commodification


In one of the Godfather movies Santangeli tells Michael Corleone, his Godfather, "Let's take 'em out, Michael, while we've got the muscle."

If we lack muscle,maybe we should partner with the mob. They're still alive and muscular.

Admittedly all I can do is write and talk. My days of "leaping tall buildings" are long past. So, I fear, are America's.

The Internet has given us the power to observe our own destruction, but not much power to do anything about it. The first myth of leadership is that it exists.

My favorite author, James Lee Burke, wrote many books. One of my favorites was "In the Electric Mist With the Confederate Dead." The title always gives me a thrill. Oh, that we could bring back those men.

When I drank and attended functions which opened a free bar finally, I never hesitated to be first. My attitude is the same in punching the No Comments button. Every post of this greatest blog deserves comments and I thank God and Brock Townsend for the privilege. The fall PATCON is first in my daily session of meditation and prayer. I cannot attend but a man must do what he can. I have a black belt in Prayer and Meditation, the necessary Intent, and an expectation of Miracles.


  1. You Sir are doing 95% more than most of america

  2. Horace keeps trying each year to make it back and hopefully will make it next year. A good man, whom I have never yet,.

  3. I am greatly honored by such men as you guys. No longer do I say "I have lived too long." Rather I would quote the Hopis who say "We are the people we have been waiting for." Stand tall and proud at PATCON. The great Confederate Generals and barefoot soldiers are cheering up there and you deserve it.

    1. The great Confederate Generals and barefoot soldiers are cheering up there and you deserve it.

      Most assuredly, Sir.

  4. Such a striking man who continues to remember the Alamo. Thanks.
