Friday, January 13, 2012


Progressivism is at its core ideologically bankrupt.It is also the root cause of the sickness of this nation.By abandoning the principle of individual liberty in favor of a quest for a collectivist utopia,Progressivism has corrupted nearly everything this nation was founded upon.

Progressivism is a bipartisan disease,no party can claim sole ownership.Does it seem like this administration’s policies are the same as the last?Or the next? It is because they are the same.
Intent on tearing down America as a bastion of freedom and liberty,full of intelligent, moral, independent citizens.

To be remade as a weak-kneed,impotent,dependent society of serfs with The State as god.
Dictating every aspect of your life.What you may or must consume or purchase,what means of transportation you may employ,what seasonings you may use on what foods you are allowed to eat.What manner of lighting you may use in your home.Restricting your access to energy.Controlling what information is made available to you. All means of electronic communications listened to or read by prying eyes.Peace officers morphed into a standing army of Law Enforcement,enforcing the diktat of The State.Subjugation of individual liberty in the false promise of safety.Warrantless searches and seizures.Indefinite detention without legal recourse.Suppression of free speech.Denial of the right of self defense.Perpetual wars.Claimed authority over your very life.

All paid for by those not yet born.

Having long ago abandoned the use of reason or logic,the net result is failure on every front.
Families in disarray,education in shambles,a populace terrified at every turn.Government out of control,finances on the brink of collapse.Truth nowhere to be found,for it is not in them.Their predictable answer is that is always the fault of someone else,because to accept any responsibility for their failure would be an acknowledgement of their ideological bankruptcy.

So they clamor for more,bigger,faster,in the blind arrogance that THIS time it will work if they just had the right people at the levers of power.Never acknowledging that the seed was foul,not the caretaker of the orchard.

And so the common people suffer from their social engineering,while the powerful live the high life,insulated from the consequences,intended and otherwise,of their actions.

All the while degrading the very nation that afforded them a standard of living that is unknown in recorded history,sucking the lifeblood out of the host like a parasite.

This will continue until it collapses under their dead weight,until the walls fall down.And then when the mask slips off,they will show their true colors.Powerhungry,ruthless,petty tyrants. Devoid of humility,charity or compassion. Anxious to rule,by lies,bribes,emotional blackmail,or naked force,if necessary.


Democracy for them is but a stepping stone on the path to absolute power.Vote early,vote often.Which,if you’ve been paying attention,you already know.


There are those in this land that will not be ruled.Not now,not ever.Those that will not be cowed into submission.


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