Friday, February 10, 2012

Typical Collectivist discrimination

Via Charles

Mr. Ron,

Today I was on YouTube, listening to classic Confederate songs while working on my school work. When I clicked on a song, a message came up on the screen saying the video I had selected to watch was potentially offensive to viewers and asked me if I wanted to proceed. I clicked on some of the other videos, only to realize that all videos dealing with the Confederacy were branded with this message. However, if you click on any rap song on YouTube which contains extremely vulgar language, nudity, violence, and racial slurs no such message exists. I hope this inspires you and the camp to continue fighting for our heritage and our ancestors, which are clearly under attack each and every day. Please pass this on to the camp, and check this out on YouTube for yourself!

Deo Vindice,
Noah Camp


  1. The same thing happened to me a short while ago and I was shocked. It is strange because it is on some songs and not on others. Bonnie Blue Flag does not show it. I'm A Good Old Rebel short version does not but the long version does.

  2. Well, that's good, at least it's not policy, but they just add it when they get a complaint from some dingbat, I assume.
