Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Progressive ‘Mission Accomplished,’ Now on to Phase II — Communism

If one wanted to destroy America, all one would need to do is break the country into parts and chisel away at each segment, bit by bit. Tuesday‘s episode of The Glenn Beck Program laid out America’s core components and described how each one is being undermined and thus, destroyed. But who is doing the destroying?

Glenn contends that those seeking to dismantle the American way are “no longer progressives.” Instead, the left has successfully morphed into what it had always intended to be: Full-fledged Communists.

“Progressives can say mission accomplished. Now it’s phase two.”

Invoking Stuart Chase’s “The Road We Are Traveling” and the recent Obama propaganda piece by essentially the same name, Glenn informed viewers that progressives’ “road” has come to an end, and thus, it is now time to “start studying Communism.”

And while this machine is “way beyond Barack Obama,” he is, in effect, its prime mover. Recall during his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said he wanted to “fundamentally transform” the country, and indeed, the entire world.

In the words of Maya Angelou: ”The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

But, Glenn ceded, “Obama is not the first radical.”

More @ The Blaze

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