Friday, May 11, 2012

A glimpse of the future for the US

If you want a glimpse of the future for the US, UK, etc. all you need to do is tune into what is going on in Greece.

Greece is financially bankrupt, like all Western countries. They just happened to get there first.

So what is going on?

If we use my friend Dmitry Orlov‘s five stages of collapse as our reference, Greece is at stage 4.

  1. Financial collapse.
  2. Economic collapse.
  3. Political collapse.
  4. Social collapse. <– Where Greece is
  5. Cultural collapse.

What does social collapse mean?

In the case of Greece right now, it means people turn on each other:

  • burned out shells of buildings due to regular riots,
  • a spike in crime that reaches into even the smallest towns (where thefts, let alone murders, were unusual), and
  • a boom in corruption as government employees see their wages slashed in half.

As bad as this is, it can and will likely get worse.

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