What the authorities and the media seem determined to suppress is that the hoodlum elements in many ghettoes launch coordinated attacks on whites in public places. If there is anything worse than a one-sided race war, it is a two-sided race war, especially when one of the races outnumbers the other several times over.--Thomas Sowell in this article, A Censored Race War, at National Review.
State-by-state list - In the continental USA there are numerous underground bases. I will briefly list just some of the bases that my research has uncovered over the last 17 years. There are assuredly many more than those listed here.--Richard Sauder in this article, Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases? Part 2, at Intel Hub, with link to Part 1.
Hoover's World War II - "American lives should be sacrificed only for independence or to prevent the invasion of the Western Hemisphere... to align American ideals alongside Stalin will be as great a violation of everything American as to align ourselves with Hitler, the aftermath of the war would be revolution and world-wide extension of communism, not democracy," said former President Herbert Hoover in this review.--Will Morrisey, Herbert Hoover's Despairing Verve, The former president's magnum opus on World War II is a revisionist's delight, at City Journal. [Herbert Hoover 1874-1964, President 1929-1933]
Did you know that the Titanic had only the third-worst non-military loss of life ever recorded? There were two more disasters that ranked as even more deadly than the famous ocean liner, and that's without even counting the military ones.--Beverly Jenkins in this article, 10 of the Worst Ship Disasters Ever, at Oddee. A well done quick read.
The TSA may have its eagle sights set on your underwear and water bottle, but it failed to miss the real security threat under its nose, it was revealed Monday, after a supervisor holding a top security job in a New Jersey airport was arrested for using the stolen identity of a dead man.--Kim Zetter at
I didn't see any reason to doubt, from the beginning, that given a choice between a white guy who wasn't a white guy doing Neighborhood Watch in a relatively high crime neighborhood and an innocent Skittles-bearing African child who referred to himself as "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA", the core situation was anything more than a simple matter of a predatory African attacking someone.--Vox Popoli at
The Toyota 2010 recall - The problem affected only a small fraction of Toyota vehicles that had a U.S.-manufactured accelerator pedal... LaHood was implementing a White House operation to grab a major portion of Toyota's market share and hand it over the General Motors and Ford. The Obama administration, through its bailout of GM, became a virtual auto company.--Wayne Madsen at
Hollywood and its vastly-spread genres are responsible for the breakdown of society. Their immoral, arrogant, spoiled brat, isolationist existence is forevermore shoved in our faces. We are lectured to, demeaned, disrespected, shouted over, ignored, degraded, and "educated" by Hollywood, at every turn. We are expected to faithfully devour their every word and deed, while at the same time admiring and praising their extreme intelligence.--Teresa Leibrick of Pink Investigations, interview at
In every single one of these "random" attacks by blacks,—i.e., an attack on a stranger done for no other reason than to cause death or grievous bodily harm—the victim is white or non-black. Which means that the attacks are not random, doesn't it?--Lawrence Auster at
History Channel's Ancient Aliens series – perhaps the only show that creates more skeptics than believers the longer one watches.--Brad Lockwood at, via Chris Queen at (AND remember, this is the channel that turned down the SCV's ads on the WBTS because they were too controversial!:) BT)
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