Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What Can We Cut to Balance the Budget?

Via David

If the U.S. government cut all government services except Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and payments on the debt, federal spending would still outpace revenues. Prof. Antony Davies argues that there are not specific cuts that will enable government to balance the budget. He says, "Nothing less than a redesign will solve this problem." That redesign should begin by determining what the proper role of government is.


  1. The proper role of government has already been determined. Read the Constitution Prof. Davies.

    1. My thoughts exactly. Now we are thinking alike Miss Violet..

    2. Start by cutting the civil service in half. Those who want to carry the load stay, the rest go. Bring our troops from overseas and cut welfare back to relief for starters. Wonder where that would get us?

  2. If we go back to the Constitution, all there is would be National DEFENSE, not offense!! No SS, Medicare etc, no wars for the Banksters and the neocons

  3. This is like so many other things garbage. It doens't count cutting out duplicate government projects. That alone cuts 25-30% of the budget. However no one want to go and cut their pet projects.

    Do we need dozens of programs for school lunchs? No!
    Do we need dozens of programs for saving endangered birds? No!
    Do we need to fund research on mating habits of college students in our own country, let alone other countries? No!

    So much of government is graft, and needs to be removed. That alone changes the picture.

    Just by cutting down to one project, even if it become slightly bigger, we cut so much waste, the government shrinks.

  4. Do we need dozens of programs for school lunchs? No!
    Do we need dozens of programs for saving endangered birds? No!
    Do we need to fund research on mating habits of college students in our own country, let alone other countries? No!

    We need zero of the above, just like it used to be.
