Monday, January 14, 2013

Arguments for gun ownership: The right of rebellion isn’t actually one of them.

Via Don


The renewed debate over gun rights that has followed the massacre of elementary schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn., has included scrutiny over why gun advocates believe they need a right to bear arms. Among the reasons: Many advocates believe that individual gun ownership helps preserve American liberty, making government fearful of trampling on rights of its citizens. If government goes too far, the argument goes, Americans have the right to revolt by force.

Is that argument correct? Or does it belong to fringe gun enthusiasts?

                                                              More @ Herald and News


  1. Sounds like Joel Mathis is an idiot. We don't use it often,in fact we haven't YET!! In fact it seems to me the Founders would of long since used it. Wonder where he got his Facts?


  2. well this old song has come full circle since the 60's. now the shoe is on the other foot.

    Watch the photos for John Kerry's head circled in yellow.

    1. I sent the wrong link before. Right song, wrong video.
      Watch this one. Stop it at 3:45 and look at the annotations at the bottom of who is in the photo.

      Those folks have been fighting the "revolution" all these years while we've been quitely living our lives.
      the shoe is about to be on the other foot!
