Monday, July 1, 2013

Some goodies from Ol' Remus


Snowden - Perhaps, that low-level agent could also get copies of the president's long-sealed personal records? Birth certificate, passport records, police records, college records, medical records, check stubs to Bill Ayres for "ghostwriting services?" The mind boggles - but it would sure help explain why Barry is suddenly so interested in every issue other than this one.
Stilton Cutcheese at (a tip o' the Remus fedora to: JM) 


 art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg The President of the Unites States has just authorized FEMA to deploy foreign troops on U.S. soil during a mass event that encompasses an any number of disaster scenarios, including but not limited to declarations of martial law. We can now fully expect soldiers speaking broken English forcing their way through our front doors in similar fashion to what we saw in the wake of the Boston bombings, says Mac Slavo in this article, Russia To Share Military “Security Experts” With United States During Mass Disaster Incidents and Emergencies, at SHTFPlan.

NSSF Report: First-Time Gun Buyer - Most first-time buyers purchased their guns through local gun shops (43.6 percent) and mass retailers such as Walmart and Cabela's (33.6 percent). First-time gun buyers spent an average of $515 for their first gun and nearly as much as for accessories ($504). Nearly a quarter of first-time buyers bought at least one more firearm within the first year after their first purchase spending more, on average, on the later purchase.
Bill Brassard at 

 Lily Garcia, vice president of the National Education Association, declared that supporters of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms are "going to hell." Texas Democratic Party Executive Committee member John Cobarruvias, have suggested that supporters of gun rights be shot and killed. He also wrote on Facebook that gun rights supporters need to be "wiped off the face of the earth."
Joe Newby at

South Africa - If Malema comes to power and he succeeds in following the example set by Mugabe's Zimbabwe, don't spare South Africa an ounce of sympathy once his goal is achieved as people who are absolutely every bit as civilized as everyone else on the planet mysteriously turn out to be unable to maintain an existing agricultural system capable of feeding the country for inexplicable reasons that no rational mind could possibly discern.
Vox Day at

 The progressive psychosis is that anyone who is adverse to any of their bright ideas is, by definition, evil and stupid.
portle44, comment at

 On the one hand, Hillary is running for president based on her work as Secretary of State. And on the other, she's not responsible for anything that happened while she occupied that position because she was really powerless. There's a cynical posturing victimhood underlying all this. It's always someone else's fault. Hillary tried her best, but they just weren't ready to let her do the job.
Daniel Greenfield at 

 The new world order is a place where men are discriminated against, forced into a hostile environment in school and later in college, and held in contempt by society. Maybe there is no incentive to grow up anymore. It used to be that being a grown-up, responsible man was rewarded with respect, power and deference.
Helen Smith, Men on Strike, via Matt Lewis at

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