Sunday, September 1, 2013

Catholic Church set to launch mass immigration amnesty pitch/Supports Gun Control

Via Matthew

 **FILE** A member of the St. Thomas Korean Catholic Center prays the rosary in their newly built church in Anaheim, Calif., on Aug. 10 2009. (Associated Press)

The Catholic Church has put the word out to the faithful: Come September, the papacy will be pushing for a widespread and comprehensive immigration reform package on Capitol Hill that will open the doors to citizenship to roughly 11 million illegals.

The church announced the plans last week. Starting Sept. 8, services at participating churches around the nation will include a pulpit-generated push for amnesty, including a call for pew members to get involved, the New York Timesreported.

“We want to try to pull out all the stops,” Kevin Appleby, the director of immigration policy at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, told the Times. “They have to hear the message that we want this done, and if you’re not successful during the summer, you’re not going to win by the end of the year.”


Via Ryan


  The Catholic church supports gun control


I was disappointed at the impression created in the April 25 letters to the editor from Eileen Colianni and Rose Ferraro, who take the Roman Catholic Church to task for not being "pro-life" because of what they allege is the church's silence on responsible gun control.

The truth is that in their 2000 statement, "Responsibility, Rehabilitation and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice," the bishops of the United States urged all Americans and especially legislators, to: (1) support measures that control the sale and use of firearms; (2) support measures that make guns safer (especially efforts that prevent their unsupervised use by children and anyone other than the owner); (3) call for sensible regulations of handguns; (4) support legislative efforts that seek to protect society from the violence associated with easy access to deadly weapons including assault weapons; and (5) make a serious commitment to confront the pervasive role of addiction and mental illness in crime.

More @ Post-Gazette


  1. Looks like I won't be back to the Catholic Church considering they have been co-opted by the DNC and the Communist Party. By the way thank the Catholic Church for doing nothing about the Haulocast.

    1. Good deal. I left the Episcopal church during Vietnam and my mother left when they changed the prayer book. I went to one for a family wedding a few years back and sounded like the Holy Rollers.:)

  2. What helped to bring down Rome? Slaves.
    WE have become Rome, the wage deflation happening is because of 'globalization'. This is deliberate, since it was begun to destroy the Unions. (I have no love of Unions. But, they did it to themselves, and all the rest of us...)
    Now, add 'legal' illegals and what do you get?
    Happy Democrats who get votes, and happy Republicans who get cheaper labor. Win win for the Elite, kinda sucks for the regular American Joe though.

    The Catholic church, benefits too... as most if not all of these millions of minions are Catholic... and the Catholic church is dying. I have no love of Catholics, Dems or Repubs, they are all The Elite of the Babylonian System... supporting one another through the Kabuki dance in this, the theater of the damned...

    The Mother of Harlots speaks... speaking more blasphemy... they do not care about the harm they do because they are One with The System. The System must become a global government, and they sit upon the coming Beast of the ten tribes.

    1. Repulsive and to think that Germany will be a Muslim nation in 50 years.

  3. Ummmm I am not sure but if a church becomes directly involved in politics don't they lose their tax exempt status? Just think of the billions of new tax dollars that might generate.


  4. I can't wait to read Ann Barnhardt's response to this. Bet she'll rip 'em a new one.

    I stopped going to my U.C.C. church (where I was an Elder) when I figured out how liberal they were: they changed the hymnal to gender neutral and pushed pro-homosexuality stances. The conferences are a bunch of good-old boys & gals clubs that do not vet pastors- they leave it to the congregations to sort out- after the fact. We hired a guy 20 years back who had changed his last name to Lord--- should have been a clue! Then we replaced him with a guy who had weekly meetings with his "spiritual counselor"- turns out he was going to AA meetings. Then he had the audacity to throw out all checks and balances on his job... plus a lot more. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was when he never called or followed up with my 18 year old daughter after her mother (was my ex at the time) passed away Sorry for the rant... I get worked up on mainline religion in general. No wonder the membership is dwindling.

    Heck they probably are on the pro-abortion bandwagon by now. The mainline denominations have been taken over by the commies along side our academic institutions and government.

    I know my God. He knows me. That is that.

    1. The mainline denominations have been taken over by the commies along side our academic institutions and government.

      Yep, so screw them all.
