Monday, September 16, 2013

High School AP History Book Rewrites 2nd Amendment

Via Blue

Guyer High School (and obviously several others) are complicit in attempting to condition students to interpret the 2nd Amendment in a clearly opposite manner in which it was intended. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th are also misinterpreted as several commenters below pointed out.

This textbook, currently being used by Guyer High School, is attempting to redefine the Second Amendment to impressionable young minds. Parents, you must speak up and demand action.

Investigate your child's history book ASAP, and post more pictures in the comments below. Call your school and demand that revisionist history books like this are removed from the school district.

Textbook version: "The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."

Actual 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Did you catch the sleight of hand?

A militia is a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies. It's a common man army of citizens, NOT soldiers. The citizens are called up in emergencies to protect the free State.

The 2nd Amendment says that a militia is necessary to protect a free State, so in order to be able to have a militia, the citizens have a natural right to keep and bear arms and the government cannot infringe on that right.

The textbook version implies that we're only allowed to keep and bear arms if we're in a State militia, a clear misrepresentation of the 2nd Amendment.

Your Call to Action:


  1. I try to tell everyone to get their kids out of school. See why?

    1. "Preparing For The Advanced Placement Exam." What a joke.

    2. What's better than bribing the sheeple with an EBT card? teaching them to be sheeple right out of the gate....Parents! please please pull your children out of public schools, they are being trained to be slaves....

    3. siouxremer ( has left a new comment on your post "High School AP History Book Rewrites 2nd Amendment...":

      Did you notice the 1st Amendment rewrite? "Congress may not favor one religion over another (separation of church & state)." These propagandists obviously have no use for foundational documents. I agree with Brock - get your kids out of public school (and most private schools) - it's your job as parents to make sure your child is educated. If you went to a Govt. school post-WW2, your education probably stunk, too. I know mine did for the most part.

    4. Yes, withdraw our consent for everything possible.

  2. My daughter's senior government class at Sanger High School in Ca provided a handout with the bill of Rights reproduced verbatim. However, it also included a column with an "interpretation" of the Constituional language. For the 2nd Amendment, it "interpreted the Amendment as "The states have the right to maintain National Guard units." Not even state militias, which itself would be ludicrous, but NATIONAL guard units. Since National Guards across the country have been federalized for a long time now, what does this seven mean, except the PEOPLE'S right to keep and bear arms doesn't exist.
