Thursday, December 12, 2013

Why you can win the gunfight and lose everything else

 Why you can win the gunfight and lose everything else

Last month, Dallas Police Chief David Brown issued a new policy, which gives officers involved in a shooting access to any videos of the incident and requires officers involved in the shootings to wait 72 before giving a statement to investigators.

The new policy has caused some to bristle, claiming the it will allow officers to close ranks in the thin blue line, thereby giving them time to make excuses or otherwise cover up actions in what may be a potentially unjustified shooting.


  1. "The new policy has caused some to bristle, claiming the it will allow officers to close ranks in the thin blue line, thereby giving them time to make excuses or otherwise cover up actions in what may be a potentially unjustified shooting."

    Like this?

    1. Thanks, just saw this in the headlines when I stopped at the store today .

  2. They really are working overtime to alienate whatever small fraction of the American population still invests them with some degree of trust and respect. They might as well have said straight out, "We want time to lawyer up, get our stories straight, alter or destroy evidence, and intimidate witnesses..."
