Sunday, January 26, 2014

Michael's Obamacare story

Via Michael

My company's health insurance broker is basically in chaos. They are struggling with current staff to deal with the mess from Obama care. From what I have been told our company insurance which we locked in until end of September 2014 with only a 3% increase will go up between 60 and 80% beginning October 1st 2014. Welcome to Amerkia. There is no way the company can afford to pay the increase. We currently pay 85% of our employee's cost and neither the company or our employees can afford to take on the extra cost even if we pass on more of the increase to the employee.

The end result is we are going to be forced to drop our health care and put our employees on the exchange. We will pay a monthly loyalty bonus to all employees who have more than 90 days with the company to help them with the cost of health care if they choose to purchase it but will no longer be able to provide it.

There is no doubt that this is the exact result they wanted from this legislation. They are pushing us all to dependency on It sucks so embrace the suck and resist...


  1. Brock,I know this; This is only the tip of an ice burg like NOTHING in our history. Right now the trash in DC are just trying to get this turkey to November. After that all bets are off and we will face open dictatorship and an end to elections, the nationalization of all healthcare , law enforcement , food , bank accounts - EVERYTHING . In other words open communist government. I pray that they wait till November , but at this point they are so fearful of backlash that the snake pit in DC could pull the trigger and launch the takedown of the American people at any time. I have been told by a young solder that his unit has been repeatedly placed on alert for DOMESTIC DEPLOYMENY , and has been drilling for the last year with full combat loads. He also says that the officers and NCOs are studying maps of US cities and towns and training for "domestic disturbance containment". I get the impression that no one in DC plans to allow "voting" to change the agenda. In fact I believe we have seen the last "election" this side of CWIII.---Ray

    1. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. :)

    2. Via m21308

      This is insanity. A family plan for our 27 employees last year was about $480 (I am told since I have TRICARE PRIME and have not been intimately involved). Half of that was paid by the company. This year that same family plan will go up to over $1,400. The same $240 will be paid by the company. Employee has to eat the rest. How in the world can ANY working stiff afford that?

    3. Michael replies:

      Even my insurance broker admitted that when he spoke a top executive for one of the largest providers in NC he admitted that the insurance companies were all in to make the money where they could because they knew that in 5-6 years at bets they would be extinct. The top plan we offered for our employees with a minimum buy up was immediately dropped because Obama Care declared it a Cadillac plan and they could no longer offer it. Now the standard plan will become unaffordable for our company to maintain and too expensive for our 36 employees if we try to maintain it and pass more of the cost onto our employees.

      A lot of our employees because of the government benefit allowed for their income level will actually be able to bank money the first year because of our loyalty bonus which will be approximately $350.00 per month. Because of government rules we cannot say the money is for health care or they will consider that a type of health plan and the employee would then not be eligible for the government assistance. As a loyalty bonus they can spend it on health care or beer and cigarettes as far as the company cares. The real problem if you have followed the numbers signing up the system is not sustainable especially with the number of young people opting out. This will mean that rates will sky rocket in the years to come even with the bail out money the government has promised to the insurance companies to get them on board "if" the plan fails.

      It was passed even though it was obvious that it was not sustainable. It appears to me that the whole plan was not only meant to push everyone to single payer government insurance but to further push us to financial collapse. Insanity has become the new norm.

      Not only do my employees suffer but I had our broker price the cost of my families health coverage because once the company drops insurance I also have to buy off the exchange. Because of my income level I am above the federal subsidy level so my families health care would go to $1875.00 per month. With my wife's reoccurring issues medical issues going without insurance isn't an option. We are looking at high deductible plans to see if we can pay more out of pocket and save but it doesn't look good. Yeah it sucks but like I said embrace the suck...
