Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I just had an abortion over the weekend, and it was great...

Anonymous asked: i just recently had an abortion over the weekend and it was great that i had access to it, without it my boyfriend and i would of had to drop out of college and ruin our lives but apparently abortion is sooo wrong when its not even a baby, its a parasite made of cells that have no feelings that is leaving my body, people like you make me sick‏

When I first read this post, I thought I would just delete it like the rest. I know your intentions were to cause me suffering, and if causing me suffering means you win, then I guess you have. To be honest, lying in this hospital bed, it is young women like you that I think about the most.

I was once like you. I was once told that aborting my children was the answer to my life. I was once told that my boyfriend too would have to drop out of the University he attended, and I wouldn’t be able to attend the following year after I graduated from High School. The funny thing was, because of my son, my ex-boyfriend and I qualified for several grants and scholarships. In fact, I’m one of the few people I know that was able to go to school without taking out student loans. Which is probably why I’m a home owner at 26.


  1. Boggles the mind... I for the life of me understand the reasoning of these kids. The left is pushing for birth control agenda i.e. pills and condoms. are not these devices free on campuses? And they are they not teaching "sex education" in schools- but where is the self control? These kids think they got it all figured out. If they are so damn smart, where is the maturity they say they have and demand we accept? They plan more for the next sports game, concert tickets, when they will get thier next iPad, the next bar they will visit, anything but protecting themselves for pregnancy. Basic stuff here. not rocket science. I truely do not get it. I truely shake my head in disgust, especially with the no remorse remarks that kid... not woman... said "it was great!". Just like another trip to McDonalds... Just another day and more fun tonight.

  2. The only cure "Embrace Fudgepacking" or just google the song "Sodomy" from Peter Jacksons "Meet the Feebles"

  3. Brock if you can watch the sodomy short video- there isxa Miss Piggie parody taking a M-60 and going on a shooting spree at the same time. It's like puppets but it's bad. I wouldn't let kids watch it.
