Friday, March 21, 2014

Feminist: Babies are 'time-sucking monsters'


Babies are “time-sucking monsters,” according to a feminist blogger who says she considers abortion “kind of my jam.”

Amanda Marcotte, in a recent post at that blasted Republicans and “anti-choicers,” said abortion “may roll itself into the world of obsolescence.”

“Let me just put a stop to this **** right now,” Marcotte wrote. “You can give me gold-plated day care and an awesome public school right on the street corner and start paying me 15 percent more at work, and I still do not want a baby. I don’t particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding.

“No matter how much free day care you throw at women, babies are still time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness,” she declared

Marcotte said she is pleased with her present life, which gives her the “ability to do what I want when I want without having to arrange for a babysitter.”

“I like being able to watch True Detective right now and not wait until baby is in bed. I like sex in any room of the house I please.”

More @ WND


  1. The last line really nails it: "It must be hard to live each day filled with so much anger, hatred, and misery.”
    A real candidate for the Brave New World...

    1. A real candidate for the Brave New World...

      Really, what a repulsive person she must be.

  2. Eff that c**t.
    Check out her photo.
    That's a man, man!
    No normal male has ever even THOUGHT of sexing that.

    Too bad her parents didn't think the same way she does.

    It's self-absorbed whores like her that make me so grateful for the wife I have.

  3. Favourite comment:
    "As a pro-lifer, I agree with this column. I think the decision by Amanda Marcotte to make herself the end of her lineage is a wise one. You're leaving this world a better place. Thank you."


  4. Ugh. Fine with me, we surely don't need THAT DNA spread around. I wonder if she eats her lovers after they have sex....Oh, wait, I guess that wouldn't be right, even black widow spiders have reproduction in that game plan.

    I couldn't care less if people have children, it's their business, but she just seems like such a hateful, ugly on the inside, person doesn't she?

    Miss Violet

    1. she just seems like such a hateful, ugly on the inside, person doesn't she?

      I doubt if we would have a congenial conversation. :)

  5. Repulsive, repelling, I can think of so many adjectives, but you would have to censor me - thank goodness this type is rare enough that her shocking beliefs are newsworthy -- I would hate to be her mother, even if that's where she learned to worship at the altar of abortion - these types have no problem with putting the old folks 'to sleep' as well. No one is beyond redemption, so maybe that R-word will come into play someday...we can only pray.

    1. thank goodness this type is rare enough that her shocking beliefs are newsworthy

      For now, at least.

  6. Check out her photo.That's a man, man!No normal male has ever even THOUGHT of sexing that.

    Well that wasn't pleasant. :)


    Too bad her parents didn't think the same way she does.


  7. I think Walter is right - that is a man!

  8. What that repugnant bitch will never understand is the concept of selfless service. It is true that being a parent is difficult and demanding, but it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I do not regret the cost both in time and money with raising them. For me this is gospel: you will never regret having spent too much time with your children. I thank God, for my kids and that I am a dad. No other honor or title is as important to me than that of being called dad.

    1. Well said. I have 5 girls and my last one gave me the best present of all.

      "I'm happy that you are my Daddy."
