Friday, April 11, 2014

Bundy was taken into custody to “protect public safety and maintain the peace.”

Via LH


I got an idea, why don't you only ones go home and the peace will be maintained just fine........

A cheer erupted from the cowboy-hatted crowd early Monday afternoon as Cliven Bundy’s youngest daughter delivered the news: Davey had been set free.

“They gave him lunch and let him out,” Stetsy Cox, 21, told the assembled group of relatives and sympathizers at a rally for the embattled ranch family near the banks of the Virgin River.

In downtown Las Vegas a short time later, Dave Bundy spoke to the media about his arrest the day before in the federal roundup of his father’s cattle from public land 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

The 37-year-old said heavily armed federal agents roughed him up and arrested him for exercising his constitutional rights on a state highway in northeast Clark County on Sunday.

“They got on their loudspeaker and said that everyone needed to leave,” Dave Bundy said during an impromptu news conference alongside his father outside a 7-Eleven on Las Vegas Boulevard. “I stood there and continued to express my First Amendment right to protest, and they approached me and said that if I didn’t leave, they’d arrest me.”

More @ RJ

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