Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dutch cleaning firm whites-only hiring policy prompts angry response

Via Nancy
 “White workers are better than non-white workers,” said  Wesley de Laat, owner of Budget Cleaning Brabant

In a row eerily redolent of apartheid in South Africa or the “colour bar” in the United States, a Dutch cleaning company has caused a storm of controversy by declaring it has a whites-only staff recruitment policy – and works only for white customers.

Wesley de Laat, owner of Budget Cleaning Brabant, laid his requirements on the line when he advertised for Dutch-born white-only gardeners on Facebook and in the regional press, maintaining in answer to angry criticism that “white workers are better than non-white workers”.

“I don’t discriminate,” he insisted. “I just don’t invite them for interview. Poles, Moroccans, any non-whites, are not going to be hired to work for this company. Achmed and Ali are probably very good people, but I don’t want them working for me.”


  1. This is a deeply troubling and divisive practice that echoes some of the most shameful chapters in history. Discriminatory policies based on race, whether in South Africa during apartheid, the U.S. with its "color bar," or in any other context, perpetuate inequality and social division. A whites-only recruitment policy and the restriction of services to only white customers is not just harmful—it fosters division, denies equal opportunity, and perpetuates systemic racism. It is essential that such practices are condemned and that we continue striving for inclusivity, fairness, and equal treatment for all, regardless of race or background. For further feel free to reach us at below details:


    1. What kind of B/S comment is this…???🙄
