1937. Santa Maria California, pea harvest workers
Nevada -
Constitutionally minded Americans are not going to stand by and watch
another massacre, nor a loss of gun rights, nor will we be entertaining
violations of our freedoms for much longer. This society is on the edge
of something. It's kinetic, or electric. It is not yet quite visible but
it is there, reverberating in the atmosphere.
Brandon Smith at alt-market.org
Brandon Smith at alt-market.org
What comes next -
Government seldom gives up this easily. I’d venture this is only
settled for the moment and the heist will resume as soon as the media is
distracted by something else... Figure however long it takes for the
Feds to run facial recognition on everyone who showed up in support of
the Bundys, and time for a Grand Jury to be empaneled and come up with
some kind of conspiracy to obstruct, or whatever, and then a snap
decision to show We the People who the boss is. I give it 120 days, more
or less, but we’ll see how it all rolls out.
George Ure at urbansurvival.com
George Ure at urbansurvival.com
Tipping point -
Americans have been surrounded, deliberately corralled, by an
increasing code of regulations. Americans have regulations pointed at
their health care in the form of ObamaCare, their finances by the
mercurial IRS, their communications by the NSA, the future education of young Americans by the newly launched Common Core.
Monica Morrill at americanthinker.com
Monica Morrill at americanthinker.com
Election results explained -
Based on a North Carolina study, where 35,750 people were found to
have likely voted in North Carolina and one other state , the national
voter fraud numbers from the 2012 election may have reached one million.
Jim Hoft at thegatewaypundit.com
Jim Hoft at thegatewaypundit.com
Regulations, laws and rights
Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.
Supreme Court, 1966, Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491 via lawfulpath.comAll codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process of law.
Rodriques v. Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of Labor, 769 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985) via Paul Sevy at facebook.com/BLMNevada
This is the first time in our history that MOST Americans don't identify with the upper class. They now realize that all of the rules, regulations, taxes, fees, militarized police, tasers, pepper spray, FEMA camps. homeland security billion bullets are meant for them, not someone else. --BullyBearish, comment 4646067 at zerohedge.com
I think companies have the right to refuse business to people for
wearing roller skates, speaking Swedish, or skipping leg day at the
gym. But let's talk for a second about the 900-pound gorilla in the
room: I have never heard of anyone being fired for being too politically
correct. A recent article calling for jailing anthropocentric global
warming skeptics did not, so far as I can tell, result in any lost
wages. Calling for the destruction of the white race doesn’t get you
fired—it gets you tenure. If Brendan Eich had been donating money to
Howard Dean instead of Pat Buchanan, he’d still have a job, says
Nicholas Pell in this article, The Care Bears vs. McCarthy, at Taki's Magazine.
Our law enforcement system is in a state of collapse
- and it's a deliberate plan by the president of the United States, and
it's wrong. And, people need to be aware of it and need to stand up to
it and I believe the American people are beginning to do so. So, you
come into the country illegally and the attorney general of the United
States declares that these individuals have a civil right to amnesty.
How can this possibly be: the chief law enforcement officer in America?
Vice President Biden recently said, quote: 'You know, 11 million people
live in the shadows; I believe they're already American citizens.'
Eleven million undocumented aliens are already Americans? Goodness. The
vice president of the United States would make such a statement. It's
stunning beyond belief.
Sen. Sessions via Craig Bannister at cnsnews
Sen. Sessions via Craig Bannister at cnsnews
Disarming the proles
- Aspiring group leaders often use "othering" to raise themselves to
leadership of the group. Emphasizing a distinction between "us" and
"them" that casts "us" in a favorable light is a time-tested tactic for
acquiring acolytes and followers... Many of those persons are
objectively inferior: stupid, ignorant, amoral, arrogant, unmannerly,
and generally unfit for human society. However, they get to work in the
"halls of power," and we don't. Their contemptuous attitude toward us
follows naturally.
Francis Porretto at bastionofliberty.blogspot.com
Francis Porretto at bastionofliberty.blogspot.com
Marc Faber - I
believe that the market is slowly waking up to the fact that the Federal
Reserve is a clueless organization. They have no idea what they're
doing. And so the confidence level of investors is diminishing, in my
view. This year, for sure—maybe from a higher diving board—the S&P
will drop 20 percent. I think, rather, 30 percent. Who knows. But all
I'm saying is that it's not a very good time, right now, to buy stocks.
Marc Faber via Alex Rosenberg at cnbc.com
Marc Faber via Alex Rosenberg at cnbc.com
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