Monday, September 15, 2014

Moms Demand Would Rather A Youth Coach Be Beaten By A Mob Than Use A Gun In Self Defense

Moms Demand's Shannon Watts
 Nerd 1st Class

There are times when it is hard to find the words to explain just how mentally unhinged some gun control supporters are, but this is not one of those times.

Moms Demand Action shows that they would have rather that a youth football coach take a beating at the hands of a mob armed with brass knuckles and a handgun, than have that beating broken up when the coach’s wife drew a legally-carried concealed weapon and fire a warning shot that sent the hoodlums scattering.

They posted the following on their opposition-free Facebook page:

More @ Bearing Arms


  1. We all know that liberals have no sense. Like lemmings to the sea. Of course, it wasn't their husband in danger. Stupid bitches.

  2. It wasn't their husbands in danger, though. Stupid bitches.

    1. Precisely, but if it was, they would simply call the police and everything would be peachy, doncha'; know..........

  3. Nerd needed to be put over daddys knee and beaten a long time ago... like they say, liberal until mogged and left for dead...

  4. These idiots stupidity is so blatant they're a joke...........

    1. But, but all they've got to do is call the police.......:)

  5. Maybe she'll be raped before they cut her throat. Her photo should help the punks pick her out.

  6. That face needs to meet Mr. 2x4 wielded by a subhuman thug, in order for us to have a chat over what *I* am allowed to defend myself and my family with.

  7. Somethin tells me the po-pos are gonna start finding their hands full if more stater shacks start gettin sniped. Guerrilla warfare is a bitch, and the libtards are going to all die off in the process.

    1. There must be something in the water that these liberals drink which affects their mind.

  8. I'm going to give them a stroke. I have a "fake" facebook account for multiple purposes & this will fit the bill nicely. I have multiple pictures of my six year old shooting my 22 rifle and 22 pistol but you cannot see his face. Going to post them up on the idiots page.

    1. Cute. Post the link here, so we all can get a good laugh. :)

  9. Products of higher education and the sorority system. There used to be a joke
    told on an "esteemed" NC university. I won't call the name, that will start an argument and it's not my point but the joke goes like this: How many XXX university girls does it take to change a flat tire? Ans. 2, one to hold the beer and the other to call Daddy.

    That joke was funny then as it is now because there is a large bit of truth in it. Unfortunately those 60's and 70's college girls got a degree in elementary education, married lawyers and doctors and insurance salesmen and had families and.. here we are today! CH

    1. Here we are at the lowest ethical point in our history.
