Although I haven't shot the XD, I am sure it is good to go, but I went with the 30 because of the additional rounds. I had looked at the 36 before, but decided against it for the same reason.
There’s no denying the feeling of potential instilled by a handgun. And when that gun fits your hand just right, the feeling is even better. The last decade has seen a resurgence in the popularity of the .45 ACP, a round whose reputation has been built by more than a century of proven results. Here are 5 .45 ACP concealed carry pistols that push the limits of form and function.
More @ Guns America
Don't underestimate the Ruger P90 too. $300 gun that functions like a HK or FN high end .45 ACP. And no polymer nonsense to melt or crack.
ReplyDeleteAttractive, but it is a full sized pistol with less rounds than a 30. Thanks.
Delete$300? All I seem to find is MSRP of $574 and used on armslist type sites for $400+. Not being snarky, just would love to find one of these for $300!
ReplyDeleteThat's what I found also. Thanks.
DeleteBeen a 1911 guy all my life ....until now. Recently broke down and bought a Glock 23, I have difficulty with the larger double stack pistol grips which is why I prefer the 1911, but this seems to work fine and I get 13 rounds of .40 in the mag compared to seven with .45.
ReplyDeleteOne of the selling points is that if I decide I don't like .40 and would rather have a 9mm, I can get a conversion barrel and mags that will fit the 23 frame.
You can go down in caliber from a 23 but not up from a 19. Now for a few extra bucks I can have something that along with my 1911 can shoot all of three of the most common pistol calibers.
The other big selling point is that the 23 is easier to carry concealed than the 1911.
Somewhere behind enemy lines,
Peoples Republik of Kommiefornia
Yes and thanks for the info. Might well be a tossup between a.40 with more rounds and a .45.
DeleteYeah. And if I convert to 9mm, it's 15 in the stack, additional firepower. Someone once told me there was a reason the Spetznaz use the 9mm.
DeleteOne of the things that always sold me on the .45 was the heavier bullet and relative stopping power. However being a former . mil guy I was always thinking in the terms of ball ammo. The modern hollow points in the smaller calibers do an excellent job plus have more of a tendency not to pass through the body thus imparting full spread and impact there.
Also, in not passing through they will be less likely to hit something BEHIND the target that you don't want to kill.
Somewhere behind enemy lines,
Peoples Republik of Kommiefornia
less likely to hit something BEHIND the target that you don't want to kill.
DeleteThanks, but depends on who is there of course. :)
Don't forget the lowly Rock Island Armory. I have on a .45 compact GI version right now. Been wearing it all day in a Galco King Tuk. If you ever need, it the cops will keep it. Mine has been 100% fail free. Half the price of a Kimber.
ReplyDeleteThanks, just checked it out and $423 at Bud's. Not the lightest, smallest, most ammo, though. It is attractive.
DeleteI would rather roll naked in broken lightbulbs than be without my Kimber custom classic. Also fond of the glock 21. People ask me why I cary a 45 and I tell them politely, because nobody makes a 46. As far as compacts there are some fantastic offerings out there. The gun that fits you best and you shoot well is the best choice. And Im a firm believer you are better off with a 22 in your pocket than having a 44 in the car.
ReplyDeleteI would rather roll naked in broken lightbulbs than be without my Kimber custom classic.
The gun that fits you best and you shoot well is the best choice. And Im a firm believer you are better off with a 22 in your pocket than having a 44 in the car.
Agreed, I have a 21 and 30. but the 30 fits my hand better.