Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Teen Sex Conference Teaches Kids To Do Meth

Via Michael


The Adolescent Sexuality Conference is held each April in Seaside, Oregon. The theme for the 2014 edition was “Building Blocks of Youth Sexual Health”, and they say about 25% of the attendees are youths. Their webpage says the conference “is for educators, health personnel, administrators, counselors, social and youth service workers, parents, clergy, teen parent program staff, teens, community members and others who wish to increase their knowledge and skills in addressing adolescent sexuality issues.  Emphasis is on covering a wide spectrum of adolescent sexuality topics.”
One of the primary sponsors and presenters of the conference is the Cascade AIDS Project, which has published several pamphlets for the event. One such pamphlet is called “A Young Males Guide To… An informative zine for guys who like guys“, and though they claim this is intended for those over 18, it is littered with little drawings that appeal more to a 9 year old than a 19 year old.


  1. Trying? We have the 1st LGBT Governor since 10am PST this morning. Lovely!

  2. Well, duh! Y'know, it's hard to convince someone in his right mind to do some of the things the gays want to do - drugs help in that "exploration" - meth is highly addictive, so you get a twofer.

    1. a twofer.

      Somewhere in the commie plan, I am sure.

    2. I think they need their butts kicked and a few twofers knocked outta their mouths.

  3. "A wide variety of adolescent sexuality issues."

    Therein lies the problem. Adolescents should not be encouraged to being sexually active. They dont have the maturity or ability to deal with the consequences of their actions: pregnancy, std's, abuse, exploitation.
    kids arent allowed to be kids...but arent allowed to grow up and be responsible, either
    not with nanny state taking care of everyone.
    its the parents role to educate on sexuality with emphasis on abstinence. And NOT encourage sexual deviancy. I dont care what anybody says the gay "lifestyle" is usually not healthy.

    1. They dont have the maturity or ability to deal with the consequences of their actions: pregnancy, std's, abuse, exploitation.
      kids arent allowed to be kids...but arent allowed to grow up and be responsible, either not with nanny state taking care of everyone.


  4. wow, up to this point in my girls lives, no one has ever tried to promote this type of thing to them.
    I wonder how I would react?

    1. Are they in public school and where, if I'm not too inquisitive?

  5. Yes, public school. And it Is a good school. State intrusion is my only complaint.
    Brock, I live in VanWert, Oh.
    If this is too specific for the internet Edit it however you like.
    Ps. You got a great site.

  6. In my little corner of the USA the DA likes to put young boys in court for having sex with their girlfriends. Mostly if a girl under 18 gets pregnant. But out in Oregon not only are they encouraging adolescent sexual activity and drug use, they are encouraging homosex. I guess that probly cuts down on teen pregnacy. I hadnt any plans for visiting Oregone but now Im sure to avoid it. Bottom line Im 47 years old. With my family history of being dead by 72 on both sides Ive only gotta watch the world go to hell for another 25 years and Im outta here.

    1. Really and I imagine I'm not long on this earth, but am sad to see the state of the Republic I am leaving.
